Rainer Torres he retired as a professional soccer player in 2016, while the previous year he was national champion with FBC Melgar. After this campaign, he decided to play in Sporty boys in the second division tournament. After seven years, the former University He recounted all the details that motivated him to hang up the chimpanzees.
“People don’t know why I retired. I decided to retire due to illness. I had Guillian-Barré syndrome, which consumes your whole nervous system. Nobody knew what had happened to me. I was champion with Melgar in 2015, I’m going back to Lima and I’m going to the disco with my wife to celebrate. My birthday was also approaching. Suddenly I’m going to go up the stairs to the second floor and my leg goes loose,” he said.motorcito‘ in an interview for “La fe del Cuto”.
“I said in my head that it happened. Both legs had given out. I couldn’t go up. I thought it was night time, as it was 2 am and I’m sure it was due to fatigue. The next day he was still the same, he couldn’t walk and had no muscle strength. On the second day, I thought it could be solved if I went for a run. At 10 meters, I felt like I had run 10 kilometers,” he said.
“My leg couldn’t stretch it, it was like I was very tired. So I went for tests and examinations with Dr. Segura. They stuck big needles into me to see the nervous system, but it looked like a porcupine in the leg. I did it twice, did all the tests possible and the doctor told me what it might be,” he said.
“I decide to retire from football in February. I had just turned 36, because I was 35 when I won the championship with Melgar. The whole month of January was devoted to exams and in February I decided to officially retire. I remember telling my wife that and also my mom and dad. I told them that I was going to retire and that I was going to ‘announce. My ‘old man’ told me not to because he hoped I would heal“, he said.
“I think if I had been 20 or 21 it would have been different, but at 36 I thought to myself why keep trying. In March, when the championship starts and you see people playing, I thought why not give it a try. In March, Melgar, Sport Huancayo and another team called me, but I was with the whole problem. When he convinces me to try it, he calls me Sport Boys,” he said.
Torres He also talked about what it was like the last few months before deciding to retire. The former midfielder said he tried to regain his level in Sporty boysbut the syndrome Guillian-Barre prevented him from continuing his career.
“I said to myself that, perhaps, go to the second division to recover in six months and return to the first division in July. I entered Sport Boys because I thought the second was lower level, when it was the other way around. Only the leaders were aware of my situation, even the coach was not aware. Once, I remember I grabbed the weight, put it behind my neck and having no more strength, I stepped back. I had no strength or departure“, he claimed.
“I looked like a player like Mayer Candelo, Nolberto Solano and Carlos Lobatón who put the pass on you and could walk. I was more to recover, put, start and it did not have. When I started to play and tried to start they passed me calmly. I felt frustrated and that’s why I decided to retire,” he said.
“I played three times and in April I told the coach that I could keep up. People expected me to come in and take everyone. The coach told me that I tried until July, when the transfer market opens. I had decided to retire, which is why I no longer went to training or games“, he finished.