The first great star shower of the year is already here, and we tell you how to see the Quadrantids 2024.

We are already at the gates of the first star shower, the Quadrantids that take place in the first days of January. Therefore, if you are a lover of astronomical phenomena, you have an appointment with one of the three great meteor showers that we can see in the year.

We are facing an astronomical phenomenon in which we can see more than 120 meteors per hour. In this article we are going to tell you everything about how you can see the Quadrantids, telling you in summary where, how and when you can enjoy this meteor shower, so that if you want to do it you will not have problems.

When to see the Quadrantids 2024

The 2024 Quadrantids will visit us on January 3 and 4. Their moment of maximum splendor will be at 13:00 peninsular time on January 4, so in Spain we will not be able to enjoy their moment of maximum intensity.

However, we will be able to see them from Spain in the early morning of January 3 to 4, which although they do not reach their peak of intensity, it will be the time when we will see more of them. In fact, this star shower takes place from December 28 to January 12, although it will be between January 3 and 4 when we will see more of them.

How and where to see them

You will be able to see the Quadrantids in any point of the peninsula, as well as in the Canary Islands. As for where to look, although you can see them anywhere in the sky, the area to look at is north of the constellation of Bootes, near the tail of the Big Dipper.

The only requirement to see them clearly is to go to an elevated area with a clear sky, far away from a city and its light pollution. The latter will make the sky darker, improving the visibility of the stars. Also, if you are observing them while the moon is in the sky, it is advisable to look in the opposite direction so that it is darker.

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