In stone bridgetwo officers of Terna Group they were able to capture a thief when he stole a cell phone. The event happened on Thursday, March 2, and in the images broadcast by Panamericana Televisión, we can see that the offender He tried to run away, but the officers managed to catch him and arrest him.

He thiefnicknamed “Tin Throat” because he used this at all to buy alcoholic drinks, he had snatched the mobile phone from a street vendor on a busy avenue, parallel to the Panamericana Norte.
In the video recorded by the agentswe see that the victim is running after the offender to retrieve your phone. She was desperate and ran with an umbrella in her hand.
Because the Tender Officers They were among the people at the time, they were able to stop the subject while he was running, and they calmed the woman down.
Last Wednesday, March 1, at stone bridgemurdered a young Navy non-commissioned officer, identified as Cristian Manuel Shroud Stems, 26 years. Two subjects, who were riding a linear motorcycle, stole his cell phone when he victim it crossed block B of the Aviduni association. One of them got off the motorbike and shot him, which caused his death.
The security cameras of the house where Cristian Sudario lived were able to record the moment when he flew; They also captured the moment the criminals left a backpack and ran away from where they committed the crime.
The Peruvian National Police (PNP) believes that the cause of the murder of the naval non-commissioned officer has nothing to do with the theft. It is possible that there were other reasons why he was murdered, for which an investigation was opened.
Among the young man’s belongings, the National Police of Peru (PNP) found a bible and other items.
The neighbors of stone bridge They asked the authorities to take measures to prevent criminal acts like the one that happened. They pointed out that in the area where Shroud was murdered, it is common to commit armed robberies and motorcycles. They demanded more presence from policemen and serene.