In the afternoon of Tuesday, February 21, it was learned that the Attorney General of the Nation, Francisco Barbosa, had made several observations to President Gustavo Petro regarding the request led by the High Commissioner for Peace, Danilo Rueda, for lift arrest warrants in force against 20 subjects, 11 of whom were extinct Farc dissidents.

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The prosecutor referred to the case of the attack on the school of police cadets, of which some of the defendants were released due to the expiry of the sentences when the time for a trial against them to begin
In the letter from the judicial entity, the official asked for more clarity on this request that falls on those who have been recognized by the executive as delegates of the central staff of the extinct guerrillas. names like Javier Alonso Veloza Garciaa.k.a John Wicksresponsible for violent acts such as the attack on the helicopter in which Iván Duque was traveling in 2021, and the attack on a CAI in Bogotá in June 2022.
“Once the above application has been filed, the Attorney General of the Nation asked the High Commissioner for Peace to inform whether or not the persons recognized as members-representatives of the self-proclaimed Farc-EP central staff were certified as members of the extinct Farc-EP guerrillas, within the framework of the Final Agreement for the Cessation of the Armed Conflict and the Consolidation of a Stable and Lasting Peace,” the tax audit body states in its letter.

Petro-Barbosa meeting: Prosecutor handed over nine objections to president on submission law
The officials had a new meeting at the Casa de Nariño, during which they discussed the bill which is part of the national government’s “total peace” policy
Likewise, this document indicates that the head of the national government asserted this demand in resolution 0014 of February 9, 2023 signed by the President of the Republic and in which he declared thatThe central staff of the Farc It is a structure which decided not to comply with what had been agreed in Havana, which is why 20 members of this structure were recognized as its delegates to participate in the exploratory steps envisaged within the framework of the ” total peace”.
In this sense, prosecutor Barbosa asked to clarify whether these people “are part of an armed group organized outside the law which has decided not to sign the aforementioned peace agreement and whether, therefore, they are members of a criminal organization with which a peace process can be carried out”, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Law 2272 of 2022, which summarizes “total peace” as a state policy.

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The draft law specifies that political status will not be granted to criminal structures and that a period of deprivation of liberty will be guaranteed to their members.
In addition, the Office of the Prosecutor requested full information not only from John Wicksbut also Edgar de Jesus Orrego, Farby Edisson Parra, Robinson de Jesus Gonzalez, Willington Henao Gutierrez, Carlos Eduardo Garcia Tellez, Ivan Jacob Idrobo Arredondo, Deison Rodrigo Ortiz Camel, Wilmar Pasu RiveraAnderson Andrei Vargas and Oscar Eduardo Sandoval.
It should be noted that at the end of the meeting held on Monday February 20 with President Petro at the Casa de Nariño, the prosecutor announced that he had submitted nine objections to the President concerning the bill to be submitted to justice.
These relate to technical aspects, such as the limits of the assets which will be handed over to the members of the criminal structures who take refuge, the fact that the Public Prosecutor’s Office does not have the function of approving lists or verifying compliance with the functions and application of the opportunity principle.
Also, the head of the judiciary told Petro that the victims must be covered by the bill, because according to him, “the reparation regime is not found, their role in the processes” and he even warned of “indeterminacy” about repair. The eighth repair was carried out on the Article 46 — “additional decisions” — which would violate the principle of res judicata.
Regarding this “but”, he clarified that in the articles “we talk about a judge who pronounces a collective sentence, but the article says that if subsequent facts attributable to people who are in the collective sentence appear, the discussion must be reopened to reintroduce this element in this sentence.’ He questioned, in that order, the hardness with which it will be accomplished sentence.