They debunked five myths propagated by INE against AMLO’s electoral reform (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

During a press conference, Carlos Luna, adviser to National regeneration movement (Morena), unmasked the five “myths” propagated by the National Electoral Institute (INE) against Electoral Reform Plan B promoted by the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

During his participation, the collaborator of the guinda party specified in which part of the reforms in the General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures (LGIPE) contradicts the statements of some members of the General Council of the INE.

So that, this Thursday, February 23, he contravened five charges of the Institute in charge of Lorenzo Córdova against the AMLO Plan B. Therefore, he cited the opposition criticism and, to argue against this error, he specified the transitional article or statement that contradicts it.

In this regard, he stressed that the political-electoral reform of the President “very upset those who enjoy privilegessince it seeks to put an end to the golden bureaucracy of the INE and the electoral waste”.

For this reason, he understood, but did not justify himself, that the electoral authorities made this type of statement; so, given the assumed infodemic, lies and spreading hate speech by INE against Plan B, proceeded to its registration.

1. “The structure of the INE is threatened if the local and district councils disappear”. This first lie lacks support, because, according to Morena in the Section 61 the LGIPE establishes that the Institute will have local and departmental bodies; During this time he Section 33 adds that the INE will have the same 32 local bodies and 300 district bodies. That is to say, when they point out that “the reform disappears, the departmental and local structure of the INE is totally false”.

“The reform modifies the structure, but at no time does any faculty of the (National Electoral) Institute disappear”

Lorenzo Córdova and Ciro Murayama are the most critical of Electoral Reform (Photo: Twitter / @lorenzocordovav)
Lorenzo Córdova and Ciro Murayama are the most critical of Electoral Reform (Photo: Twitter / @lorenzocordovav)

2. “Personal data or identification requests (electoral powers) are put at risk when moving INE citizen service modules to public offices of government orders”. This claim was also classified as false, since the 5th transient of the proposal establishes that “the citizen attention modules in terms of number, quality and organization will continue to operate with the same normality”.

Added to this, the Section 61 recalls that the INE preferably, in order to generate savings, can request the State of Real Estate in the Public Domain to install the modules.

3. “85% of the National Electoral Professional Service will be laid off”. This claim has been reported as detached from the truth. With the initiative that has already been approved at Congress, the goal is to eliminate duplication of functions and unnecessary bureaucracy. In reality, vowels, excesses and duplicity would be eliminated, and at that, only affects 8.56% of the National Electoral Professional Service.

Given the actions of unconstitutionality presented by Va por México and INE, Plan B will be defined before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Given the actions of unconstitutionality presented by Va por México and INE, Plan B will be defined before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“Faced with the lie that the Reform affects labor rights, we must say: the transitional article 11 of our reform proposal establishes, verbatim, that the Institute is the one who will define which workers can be reassigned to a new area and , in addition, respect for labor rights”

4. “The government of Mexico gets its hands on the electoral list since the list of Mexicans abroad would be validated by the SRE”. This “myth” was also denied by Morena. What Plan B does is guarantee migrants that they can vote with their passport, an internationally recognized document. In the sections 329 and 331which establishes the functions of the SRE in the matter, indicates that its only function is to validate that the document is true and valid.

5. “The Preliminary Results Program (PREP) disappears”. Finally, Luna addressed one of the lies most spread by the INE and the opposition. In this case, he clarified that in the 219 PREP is regulated; that’s to say, How to regulate something that is supposed to disappear? In this logic, the adviser maintained that “the PREP will continue to operate normally”.

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