The president of the Republic, To Boluarteannounced on Friday evening that it had ordered the permanent withdrawal of the Peruvian ambassador to Mexico in protest against the opinions and criticisms of his Mexican counterpart. Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO)who called the Peruvian president a “fake president” and reiterated his solidarity with the former Peruvian president Pedro Castillo.

AMLO and the most controversial phrases that caused the diplomatic crisis between Peru and Mexico
A few days after the dismissal of Pedro Castillo, López Obrador pointed out that the former Peruvian president was desperately harassed by his opponents until they managed to impeach him.
Boluarte’s decision was backed by the right-wing faction of congressmen, who criticized what they saw as the Mexican head of state’s consistent interference in Peruvian politics.
It should be noted that, recently, the president of Mexico He accused “unfortunately the Organization of American States (OAS) and its human rights organization of being at the service of the powerful”, which is why this organization did not convene all the states that make it up. to demand the release of Pedro Castillo.

Dina Boluarte withdraws Peru’s ambassador to Mexico for AMLO expressions
“He firmly rejected the comments made today by the President of Mexico on Peru’s internal affairs,” the head of state said of Andres Manuel López Obrador.
“They turn a blind eye or are okay with authoritarianism”, expressed AMLOfor whom in Peru there was a technical coup against the government of Pedro Castillo perpetrated by the opposition.
“We are looking for a way to pass the baton to the presidency (of the Pacific Alliance). It was up to Peru to decide, but when the meeting was to take place, the president was not allowed to leave. Then we were going to visit Peru and they arrested him in what I consider a technical coup, although he also used the police,” said the Mexican president, who recently met the former first lady, Lilia Paredes, who receives political asylum in Mexico.

The deputy of We are Peru Esdras Medina talked about the last meeting that the president of Mexico had, Manuel Lopez Obrador, with the former first lady, Lilia Paredès.

The privileges of Lilia Paredes in Mexico: private mobility, shelter and other exclusive services provided by the government AMLO
The former first lady has enjoyed various benefits, according to Mexican journalists, since arriving in the neighboring country last December.
“I think Mr. (AMLO) should not interfere in political matters in Peru and the best thing is that he cares about his country. Unfortunately, he does not know our Constitution,” he said, and also referred to the statements of the Mexican president, where he interpreted that the coup was against Pedro Castillo.
“It only reflects ignorance saying that Pedro Castillo did not make a coup and for that reason he is in prison. We are acting with due process against the former president Castle and we live in a democracy,” he added.
Meanwhile, the deputy Ernest Bustamante (Popular Force) deemed necessary Bolaurte’s decision to withdraw the Peruvian ambassador to Mexico. “President AMLO’s continued interference in internal affairs is becoming less and less tolerable,” he said.
In this sense, the parliamentarian of Popular Revival Jorge Montoya welcomed “the decision of Ms. Boluarte and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to withdraw the Peruvian ambassador to Mexico, showing determination and firmness”.
For his part, the legislator Advance Pays Alejandro Caveroindicated that it was a “good decision” by the government to withdraw the Peruvian ambassador to Mexico.
“Con Lopez Obrador there can be no serious relationship at the political level. Now is the time to do the same with Colombia so that it learns to respect the sovereignty, the Constitution and the democracy of our country,” said the right-wing MP.
A few weeks earlier, the mayor of the metropolis of Lima, Rafael Lopez AliagaHe also spoke out against the Mexican president and asked him not to get involved in the situation that Peru is going through.
“López Obrador enters (Peru) as if it were his farm. Worry about your drug trafficking, hey, they are terrifying Mexico and luckily Peru still managed to beat the drug trade,” Aliaga said.