He type of weather that there is in a certain place is determined by various conditions among which the altitude, the latitude, the orientation of the relief, the distance to the sea and the sea currents and gives guidelines to the so-called “weather weather” which in turn is based on other elements such as the temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and precipitation describe the atmospheric conditions of a territory in the short term.
To catalog the climate, the system developed by Wladimir Köppen is generally used, although there is also the Thornthwaite system, the latter which also takes into account biological diversity and the effects of climate change on it. Others, such as Bergeron and Spacial Synoptic, are interested in the origin of the air masses that define the climate of a region.
Due to climate change, currently the planet is in a process of redistribution in which any change, however small, in the average annual temperature leads to changes in habitats and their conditions.
In this context, here we leave you the weather forecast for Arequipa.
In Arequipa, it is expected a maximum temperature of 17 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 12 degrees Celsius.
As for the rain the probability of precipitation for this city will be 70% during the day and 46% at night.
In the same direction, the cloudiness will be 95% during the day and 98% at night. While the gusts of wind they will reach 33 kilometers per hour during the day and 22 kilometers per hour at night.
Watch out for the sun, ultraviolet rays should reach a level of up to 6.

a dozen climates are those present in the department of Arequipa, where the weather condition is characterized by being arid and temperate, with zero humidity in all seasons of the year.
This arid climate is felt in the city of Arequipalocated at more than two thousand meters above sea level, with maximum temperatures not exceeding 25 degrees and minimum temperatures around 10 degrees, as well as little rain, February being the rainiest month.
Located in southern Peru, the arid climate of this department is present in the southwest of the department which is on one side of the coast of the Pacific Ocean, while in the northeast the climate is more diverse.
In the northwestern regions with an altitude above 2,500 meters above sea level, the climate ranges from semi-arid to semi-dry, temperate to cool and low in humidity in winter and spring.
At four thousand meters above sea level, the climate is semi-dry, semi-freezing and with a dry winter. While in the areas of volcanoes, with heights above five thousand meters, the weather is rainy, semi-freezing and with a dry winterwhile in the highest parts one feels a glacial climate.

What’s the weather like in Peru?
In Peruvian territory, up to 38 types of weather are feltaccording to the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi), this is due to the interaction between different climatic and geographical factors.
These main factors, details the Senamhi, are its geographical position on the Tropic of Capricorn and the proximity of the Andes mountain range.
Among the 38 climates, Senamhi highlights three main which are defined according to the area of the country in which they are located.
On the coast of the South American country, which meets the Pacific Ocean and covers barely 11.6% of the national territory, the weather prevailing there is arid and temperatebeing its main climatic characteristic the rarity of the rains.
In the sawthe area close to the Andes and which occupies 28.1% of Peruvian territory, the climate is rainy and cold mostly.
While in the junglewhere the tropical climate of Peru is most filled, occupying 60.3% of its surface, the weather is defined as very rainy and hot.