seven years later blonde flower take legal action for defamation y moral damage against an entertainment magazine and Juan Jose Origel for speaking negatively against her, the sentence was finally pronounced in favor of the journalist, with whom she would earn more than 800 thousand pesos.
In January 2022, it was announced that the host of come joy won the lawsuit started in 2016 against pickle Origel for assuring – in a private conversation as part of a tribute to Silvia Pinal – that Rubio had gained his fame thanks to the people with whom he had been closely linked.
Now the sentence would have been published, indicating that the presenter and the magazine tv ratings y Notmus they must issue a public apology and pay you to repair the damage. The documents were exhibited by Jorge Carbajal and El-Filip In A shock.

First, it is ordered that within the next five days, all culprits issue an apology in all media where the information was originally published, which would be both social media, such as the programs and magazines where the Origel’s conversation aired for the first time.
In addition, the sum that each must deposit for the damage caused to Flor is indicated, all for the notion of compensation and within the following five days: pickle must pay 200 thousand pesoswhile the other two culprits –Notmus and Carlos Monjarraz (journalist)- 600 thousand pesos y 50 thousand pesosrespectively.
In other words, in total, the presenter would receive 850 thousand pesos.

So far, none of those involved have confirmed that they have been warned by the sentence, but they will have to speak about it publicly since they have been ordered to do so.
More than a year ago, Rubio said that I wasn’t looking for money for her request, but she wanted to raise her voice for her image, for her children and to set a precedent for women who could also be raped in this way.
The presenters of A shock mentioned that if the sentence is not respected, the culprits could be grasped for payment of compensation to be made.

In this process, Flor Rubio won three times thanks to calls made by Juan José, which led them to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). It was determined that the journalist’s image was affected by the conversation of pickle and its dissemination.
Origel pointed out that what he said against Flor was in a private conversation and the fact that it was made public violated his privacy and his freedom of speech; However, the SCJN has determined that the former presenter of Hoy knew that his statements were checked in because he was at an event where there were a lot of journalists.
“We cannot continue to allow this abuse.that the mistreatment in the media, such as the magazine tv ratings… it was not a lawsuit against Juan José Origel, it was a lawsuit against a magazine,” he said in January 2022 in come joy.

month later, pickle pointed out that there were details that needed to be investigation because the case was not entirely clear. He also mentioned that at first there was talk of a resolution in his favor but it was eventually voted down, which for him was “rare”.
On this occasion, Juan José assured that he I didn’t hold a grudge to his colleague because he considers this problem to be a thing of the past, but the opposite would happen with Flor.