Between 2022 and so far in 2023, the National Superintendence of Labor Inspection (Sunafil) imposed fines totaling 19 million 269 137 S/19, for finding cases of child labor on a national level.

Binding Court Decisions Sunafil
Carlos Cadillo Ángeles, partner at Miranda & Amado, discusses recent resolutions issued by Sunafil, relevant to be approved as administrative precedents of mandatory compliance.
These fines come from the 46 resolutions issued in first and second instance, of which 41 date from last year and five from this year, the watchdog reported, after carrying out work inspection.
During this period, 1,035 inspections were carried out at national level, including 66 following complaints received by the regional authorities of Sunafil and 969 following unannounced operations in the various economical activities.

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The bone sectors wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants, real estate (construction), manufacturing industries and transport are the activities which are subject to the greatest number of inspections to determine whether there is or not child laborSunafil said.
According to consolidation control systemthe regions where the highest number of inspections were carried out are the metropolis of Lima (4,438), Lambayeque (343), La Libertad (307), Ica (292) and Loreto (188).

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These figures correspond to the period of 2014, the year in which Sunafil started its operations – until today. During the same period, 421 minors concerned were found during the interventions carried out by the 26 regional authorities of the Sunafil.
According to the National Household Survey on Living Conditions and Poverty (Enaho), National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), the employment rate for Boys, Girls and Adolescents (BNA), aged 5 to 17, who are working was 25.3%.
In other words, of the total number of children and adolescents in Peru, just over a quarter carry out economic activities for at least one hour a week, the same number recorded in 2020 (25.3%) .
According to Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE), child labor in Peru is concentrated mainly in the mountains, followed by the jungle and the coast. Whereas, by sex, we see that in 2021 it was carried out more by men than by women.
Citizens can become allies of the Sunafil alert to suspected cases of child labor and forced labor. They just have to grab an easily accessible app that they can access around the clock. It’s ‘SOS alert against child labor and forced labour’.
To participate, simply go to the Sunafil website: and click on the red SOS button, located in campaigns and events. In addition, it can be accessed directly by entering the link:, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.