The Nicaraguan University Alliance (AUN) reported this Friday through its social networks the death due to health complications of Heidi Meza Torres, 67, mother of the detained student Max Jerez, president of that organization.
The AUN reported through a statement this Friday that friends and Jerez’s lawyer made representations to the Judicial Assistance Directorate so that he could say goodbye to his mother, but the request was denied. According to the AUN, Jerez was Heidi Meza’s only child.
Citizen Free Press tried to get a reaction from the Communication and Citizenship Council on this situation, but they have not yet responded to our request.
“The mother of our friend, brother in struggle, Max Jerez has passed away. Rest in peace Doña Heidi Meza. We are not going to leave her beloved son alone. Max is not alone,” added AUN.
Jerez was arrested on July 5, accused by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of alleged conspiracy to undermine national integrity, a charge that he rejects. At the initial hearing, held on September 7 in prison, the Nicaraguan Judicial Power admitted the charges and issued preventive detention, the Public Ministry reported.
For its part, the opposition Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, of which Jerez was a full member, lamented the death of Meza Torres on its social networks.
The Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights considered through its social networks that the refusal to allow Jerez to see his mother alive for the last time was “another perverse and inhuman act by the Ortega Murillo regime” and condemned “this other form of torture of politically motivated detainees and their families.”