A riot registered this Monday in a prison in Ecuador has so far left two dead and five injured, the Minister of the Interior, Patricio Carrillo, informed local media.

The chief added that some 40 inmates who escaped were recaptured, while the national authorities go to the scene to verify the situation.

The incident was recorded at the Bellavista Social Rehabilitation Center in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, a city located just over 150 kilometers west of Quito.

In statements to Teleamazonas, the commander of the National Police, Fausto Salinas, said that an inmate, leader of a criminal gang and allegedly involved in the massacre at the Turi prison in Azuay at the beginning of April, would be linked to this new riot. “The presence of this person in the Santo Domingo prison generates that feeling of struggle and violence (…) It is an intervention in which there are shots and violence has been generated,” said Salinas.

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