After the coronavirus pandemic that hit the world in early 2020, there was a migratory wave of Argentinians wishing to settle in Uruguaya country that offers greater economic stability, tax advantages and a higher level of general security.

The Argentinian accused of the fatal accident in Punta del Este will be detained for the double homicide and injuries
Nicolás Rocca, driver of the Volkswagen Nivus, was sentenced to preventive detention for 45 days, renewable. According to accidentology expertise, the tragic accident was due to the “human factor”
According to official data from the Uruguayan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 2019 2,042 Argentines applied for residency, while in 2020 there were 6,816, in 2021 about 12,489 and finally in 2022 there were 7,209. applications for residence in the eastern territory.
One of the cities that has stood out for many years is Eastern point. ANDhe seaside resort in Uruguay where hundreds of Argentine celebrities spend their summers is also one of the favorite destinations for those who decide to emigrate to the other side of the Río de la Plata.

Weather forecast in Punta del Este for February 15
Its geography makes Uruguay a country with a humid temperate climate, with hot summers and cool winters.
To enhance this opportunity, in an alliance between a school, a real estate broker, a consultant and a bank, the platform was launched “”a website with all information and advice so that more Argentinians and people from all over the world can move to Punta del Este.

According to data from the platform, since going live in mid-December 2022, there have been almost 30,000 visits to the site in January alone, eight thousand entries were made from Argentinabeing the country with the most interest, followed by Brazil, Chile and the United States.

Weather forecast in Punta del Este before leaving home on February 13
Uruguay could see an increase of up to 3 degrees in its temperature due to climate change in the coming years, experts warn
According to the site, they estimated that the 60% of total website revenue comes from Argentinabeing the city of Buenos Aires and Córdoba from where the greatest number of requests were made, followed by Rosario, Paraná, Mendoza and Tucumán.
Although it has been active since mid-December, the site was presented to the company a few days ago, during an event organized at the International College of Punta del Este, one of the sponsors of the initiative, with representatives from Covello Internacional, Andersen and HSBC Bank.
In the act, attended by the mayor of Maldonado Enrique Antiawas also Roland RozenblumCEO of the International College, who stressed the importance of trusted advice for foreigners that explains what Punta del Este is like and brings them closer to the services needed to start a life in a new country.
A peculiarity of this school is that in recent years it has begun to receive an increasing number of Argentine students, to the point that it has more students born in Argentina than in Uruguay among its students.
Indeed, the data of the Municipality of Maldonado shared by the newspaper El País, on the 220,000 inhabitants of this department, 25,000 are Argentinian.

“The marked trend since the pandemic is the increase in the arrival of foreigners who are inclined to live in Punta del Este all year round and who are in the process of realizing this dream,” he said for his go. Alejandra Covellodirector of the real estate company Covello International.
On the part of the company, they detailed the two mechanisms they have put in place to attract foreigners: on the one hand, to offer investment opportunities and on the other hand, to offer a good quality of housing, which interested parties find “modern and first-class”.
As, Federico Fisherof consulting firm Andersen, said that in recent years there has been greater interest “from Americans and Europeans” who seek a country “with both legal and political security and stability.”
The HSBC executive spoke in the same way Gabriel Soutowho confirmed the trend expressed by Fischer and pointed out that this generated greater opening of accounts by foreigners, as well as the possibility of obtaining loans without having to be Uruguayan residents, which made the representation of the bank in Uruguay a reference.
“Today we are in a very special moment where many people choose Maldonado to settle permanently or, in many cases, stay longer during the week than they usually were,” said note Martín Laventure, director of tourism for the municipality of Maldonado and former mayor of De Punta del Este in El País.
According to the official, foreigners, including many Argentines, are attracted by the quality of life. This demographic growth also involves improving services for the whole year and the mobility of cities, he explained.
The arrival of more Argentines to the Maldonado party is also evidenced by the increase in health affiliations over the past 3 years, as well as the increase in enrollment in private educational institutions, such as the aforementioned case of the International College of Uruguay. .
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