Members of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) denounced the alliance’s gubernatorial candidate Pass through Mexico Alejandra del Moral VelaOf course transportation of minors during one of its pre-campaign events in the municipality of Metepec, State of Mexico. The complaint was filed with the Electoral Institute of the entity on February 15.

‘El eventito de Morena’: Alito Moreno compared pre-campaign closures to Edomex with photos
Delfina Gómez and Alejandra del Moral closed their campaign this Sunday at Texcoco in front of their supporters
According to morenista representatives, the candidate of tricolor origin would have violated the rights of minors, as well as the lhey electoral engaging in early campaign acts at the February 9 rally, almost Two months before begin this period according to established standards.
According to the information presented by Morena, they were students of the Technological Baccalaureate Center Number 2 of Metepec, who attended the candidate’s event transferred from campus to the rally venue.

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Morena presented photographs of evidence where minors are observed entering the event with uniforms and guided by “people dressed in red”, which is why not only the candidate for governor was denounced but also the Party institutional revolutionary (AT).

And it is that according to the complaint of the Icing Movimiento, these actions, in addition to violating the rights of minors, are considered acts of proselytism since students do not yet have the right to vote. It should be noted that, according to the electoral law, the pre-campaign processes – a period in which Alejandra del Moral still found himself – are dedicated to the activists and sympathizers political parties.

Mario Delgado denounced the sabotage of the PRI in Coahuila
According to the head of Morena, Armando Guadiana and Delfina Gómez have the advantage in the polls for the local elections
“In the considerations it is noted that Alejandra del Moral, together with her PRI party, clearly violated electoral regulations by taking minors age at proselytizing events, Therefore, there is a violation of the best interests of the children,” Morena explained in her complaint.
According to the medium Process, The parents of minors would have denounced that the students had made a mistake to attend the rally of the tricolor candidate, since at the beginning they had been told that they would go to a Marketing conference and that this activity would be valid with a point in their qualification.
In the complaint filed by Morena, in addition to the photographic evidence of the event, she also presented a document that would have been sent by the school authorities to the parents to authorize the attendance of the students.

Said format, with the logo of the Government of the State of Mexico, invites the students of CBT No. 2 of Metepec to attend an activity of “Development of Marketing with the aim of strengthening the field the student’s professional field.
However, the request pointed out that the venue for the event would be at the fairgrounds from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and it would be sung with transportation to take minors to and from campus. Nowhere in the document is the tricolor candidate mentioned or any relationship with the party. However, it highlights the academic value that attendance would have.
February 12, Alejandra del Moral completed its pre-campaign process with an event organized in the municipality of Texcoco, where he highlighted the great participation of Mexicans, sympathizers and activists of the PRI. From now on, it is expected that his candidacy will be finalized and can thus begin his campaign period from April 2 to May 31, according to the points indicated by the National Electoral Institute (INE).
The elections to replace the head of the state executive will take place next Sunday, June 4, where so far Alejandra del Moral and Delfina Gómez, for Morena, are the candidates with the best positions in the polls.