The table is served The guests enter, knife and fork in hand. Everyone who wants to bite, gets a slice of the pie. No one wants to be left out of the banquet. They are hungry. This is the table of the thirst for power. It turns out that, this time, the cake in question is small and bitter.

The crumbs of an Argentina devastated by populist and prebendary public policies that plunged the people at the bottom into the hell of destitution and the middle and lower classes into the quicksand of poverty, are now at stake.

The presidential spokeswoman, always cowardly of language and cowardly of modesty, declared this Thursday that the objective of the table in question is define electoral strategies to prevent “the right” from returning. For the gross official arrogance, the law is everything that is not subordinate to them.

The ineffable spokesman for 100% inflation says nothing, about the kids who stay for two meals a day, about those who have white jobs and are poor, about those who haven’t eaten barbecue since we don’t know when. Even fewer retirees who do not even have access to basic food.

The priority today is elsewhere. It’s about not losing control, staying in power, to continue to belong to the group of those who live from the state. Or what is not said, that apart from the suffering and the postponement of majorities there are treasures hidden underground, there are still many things to unearth, there is a lot of territory to share. This is also what it is about.

The undeniable differences that bog down the government coalition could not be mitigated during the first meeting of the table of contention. “Nobody saved anything, there were strong proposals,” said Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque.

Always raw, the strongman of La Cámpora, went to the bone. He thought it would be embarrassing for Alberto Fernández to undergo STEP and they would ask Cristina to be a candidate.

The question of the “ban” of the CFK was central. Kirchnerism wants to flesh out the idea of ​​a judicial persecution of the CFK with the aim of removing it definitively from the field. Without Cristina on stage, reality takes them all.

The signage that covered the entrance of the president in Calle Matheu was a clear message for Alberto Fernández and for all those who can wear the tunic: “Proscription, damn it, Cristina 2023”.

The dramatic resignation staged by Vice, just after the judgment condemning her was known, could be reconsidered.

Exultant and, when no one expected it, it happened Maxim Kirchner. He did it accompanied by “Wado” De Pedro. The manduke included an anniversary restoration. But the weather did not give for the happy birthday. The surprising presence of Máximo on such a heartfelt date reinforced the idea of ​​Christian centrality. The flame of the operational outcry was lit.

Kirchnerism got away with it. He marked the field for Alberto Fernández. The dream story of being re-elected now becomes abstract. He fell into the trap set for him. They set the table for him to let him know that 2023 was not planned, they left him without bread and without cake. More than a table, a bed.

There was no family photo because there is no family, not reunited, or anything.

A communiqué was issued whose title sums up what the meeting asked for and left behind: “Democracy without prohibitions. Unity to transform”. The thing “unity” is nothing but a formalism. The document which, measuring each letter, was presented at the end of this first meeting, seals the central question which animates the painting: the Cristina’s claim and her candidacy.

The Table launched the final operation against Alberto Fernández. The president hung on to the idea of ​​appearing and competing in PASO but chances are you already know that whether CFK shows up or not, that idea went into the scrapping process.

They let him know right away and to his face. They will continue to exhaust him with the same enthusiasm with which they ignored him since 2019. For that, they made the call and they succeeded. The coldly calculated plan is in motion: neutralize Alberto Fernandezget rid of it.

Far beyond the irreconcilable differences, they all agree on something. The 2023 election will find them “united or defeated”. By united, we mean that no one takes their feet off the plate, of course. That’s the whole story.

A similar feeling is beginning to win over the opposition coalition. Until now convinced that they were “dedicated to electoral success”, now an existential doubt begins to reach them.

The extreme polarization scenario with which politics has dominated the political scene for a decade has begun to crack. Milei’s appearance adds an ominous element to the triumphant certainty that encourages changelings to play with fire.

Those who happily celebrated the arrival of the libertarian, meditating on his vigor during the installation of the discourse of economic liberalism, are beginning to realize that the electoral magnetism of the man of La Libertad Avanza does not lie in his economic ideas but in his furious anti-political diatribe. . In other words, in his anarchist DNA. Javier Milei sweeps among the youngest in the suburbs. Its target is from 16 to 25 years old. It is not with economic theories that they are seduced.

“Milesi’s vote is not ideological, it is a vote of anger”, assures on a tone of warning an exclusive referent of the PRO. “If Milei disappears from the scene, his goes to the blank vote or to the far left,” he adds.

Concern for the advancement of the economist is experienced at both ends of the political spectrum. He steals votes left and right. He takes Juntos por el Cambio but also Frente de Todos.

At the time of the measurements, Patricia Bullrich appears better placed than Mauricio Macri. The ex-president has a very negative image in the province, but his people are convinced that if he managed to win a vote, he would win comfortably.

The Province worries the opponents, in this territory also the need to walk together is urgent. With Kicillof competing against all Juntos Aligned candidates, they would be technically tied. An extremely dangerous scenario considering that there is no ballot in the Province. Who is imposed by a vote remains with the governorate.

In the City too, everything is tangled up. Horacio Rodríguez Larreta has an agreement with Martín Lousteau which Macri resists. “We can’t hand over the City” is the PRO slogan. Jorge Macri has no intention of coming down from this battle.

Marie Eugenie Vidal, meanwhile, float. He does the iron while traveling the country. It is not in the minds of the people of the Province, any more than it aspires to go through the City. He is preparing to, if necessary, run for the Presidency. She’s too young, she has time ahead of her, she can wait.

The lack of definition of Macri complicates the assembly of the opposition coalition. There are those who believe that in case the former president decides to play, everything will be ordered immediately after his candidacy. It may be nothing more than an expression of the desire of those who like him and dream of returning to La Rosada. For the moment, neither Horacio Rodríguez Larreta nor Patricia Bullrich show the intention to get out of it.

“Uncertainty is not good for anyone,” says a manager who arrived directly at Mauricio Macri. Not only because it does not allow the consolidation of leadership, but also because it creates many problems in the assembly of constituency lists.

Also among opponents, unity is urgently needed. There are strong differences between the different candidates and this confuses people. The situation should not last very long. Stretching definitions blurs, exhausts those who are in the race.

Inflation gallops and defeats the energy project of Sergio Massa. Political tensions within the ruling party make life very complicated for the Minister of Economy. You cannot force changes. Without inflation control, there is no future for a possible candidacy.

The depth of the crisis demands strong leadership for a comeback. For the moment, no certainty is looming on the horizon.

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