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Globe Live Media, Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Dutch security forces have detained more than 130 people during the fourth night of protests over the imposition of a curfew and other restrictions announced to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, although the level of violence would have been lower than that of previous days.

“Major altercations were prevented,” the Police said, taking stock this Wednesday of the most recent demonstrations, in which again mainly young people have participated. Only isolated clashes with the security forces were reported.

In the case of Rotterdam, which was shaken by a special violence in previous nights, the authorities number 81 detainees, mostly people under 25 years of age. They are accused of incitement and public disorder.

The incidents have drawn harsh criticism from administrations and parties. “The riots have nothing to do with protests or the fight for freedom. We must win the battle against the virus together, because only then can we regain our freedom,” Prime Minister Mark Rutte said this week.

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