The President of the Political Coordination Council (Jucopo) of the Senate of the Republic, Ricardo Montreal Ávila, acknowledged the confusion in the eternal life clause for Plan B political parties in electoral matters which will be discussed shortly; However, recognized that he is in limbo.
Judicial reform: time limit for SCJN to resolve unconstitutionality actions
Due to AMLO’s Plan B, PAN Senator Damián Zepeda proposed setting a time limit of up to 90 calendar days for the Court to resolve constitutional controversies
During a short press conference, the coordinator of the bench of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) explained that the draft opinion that circulated on Sunday February 19 on social networks plans to exclude the said clause because both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies they had already approved it and they had no intention of discussing it again; However, he pointed out that if lawmakers deem it relevant, it could be discussed.
“What the draft opinion does is exclude it, obviously at any time later it can be discussed… It remains in limbo, I don’t want what Héctor Suárez said: he is neither approved nor rejected, otherwise… it’s in limbo, but the clause does not die. Personally, I think it must be eliminated, that is to say both legislating and accepting what the Chamber (of Deputies) has done to send itself off with the publication ban”

To which he explained that currently the clause — or section 12 of the secondary law reform — is neither dead nor alive, but rather in limbo, although he said that the best thing, of his point of view, would be to eliminate it and ban the place, left the way to go in the committees and in the plenary session.
“So section 12 remains in limbo, I say, it is neither approved nor rejected, but it can be touched on another occasion. For me, I would argue that the legislator should make the decision to eliminate and ban eternal life all at once, but it will be the commissions and the plenary session that will decide”
He also pointed out that confusion has arisen between the Governance and Legislative Studies Commissionsbut he pointed out that perhaps, this Monday, February 20, the discussion will open so that, even, on this same day, some of the points of the modifications in electoral matters begin to be defined.

Monreal Ávila’s statements were made a day after the draft opinion issued by the United Commission on the Interior and Constitutional Points of the Senate was shared on social networks, where they would not have recognized the modification made by the Chamber of Deputies in relation to the eternal life clause.

Plan B: AMLO electoral reform will advance in the Senate, but “eternal life” divides Congress
The eternal life clause was condemned by the parliamentary opposition; however, the rest of the advice will be discussed and voted on in the Senate next week.
It must be remembered that in the clause of eternal life, mentioned in the Electoral reform promoted by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), pointed out that the big parties will be able to transfer part of their votes to the small parties they have in their alliance or coalition so that they can keep their registration as a political party. This clause was condemned by the parliamentary opposition, which maintained that it was a ruse so that the satellite parties could continue to live off the prerogatives of the state.
Another feature inside AMLO Plan B is that the claims relating to the “eternal life” clause are not directly linked to the actions of unconstitutionality promoted by the opposition and the National Electoral Institute (INE), since the modifications of the legal framework in the politico-electoral reform are so important that the PRI, the PAN, the PRD, the MC and the decentralized body have already promoted their own resources.

Montreal called not to stop the discussion of plan B in the Senate
Morena’s coordinator pointed out that if the president of the Governance Commission, Mónica Fernández, does not meet, the second Commission for Legislative Studies
Therefore, in the end, it will be the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) that will have to deal with these resources, evaluate the alleged violations and, therefore, pronounce a final and irrevocable sentence in relation to the Electoral reformit is for this reason that different politicians have come out to propose an approximation of the discussions that will be established within the Supreme Court.