Mischiclesthe kitten of the “Egyptian” or sphinx breed, which was rescued on February 8 from the Center for Social Rehabilitation (ceresus) #3 of Ciudad Juárezen Chihuahua, yeah has a new home.

Five breeds of cats that love the company of people
These species are patient and loyal with their keepers, and their attitude and personality make them ideal for adoption.
Agree with Cesar Diazdirector of Ecology for the municipality, received 10 formal requests people interested in adopting the exotic feline, eight of whom live in the UNITED STATES, one in Juárez and another in the state of Oaxaca. However, he pointed out that if he stays in the city, and even in the countryside, could be in danger, as well as its potential owner.
It should be remembered that the dark brown cat is tattooed with various symbols, one of them with the caption “Made in Mexico” and an eagle that alludes to the drug cartel of The Mexicos, which operates in said locality. Moreover, it was confiscated in the said prison while an examination was carried out by the guards.

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Therefore, the decision was made to remain anonymousor to whom it is delivered. However, he indicated that the US requests come from two Not, Texas; as well as Connecticut, Maryland and New Jersey.

He even assured that some of these families have kittens of the same breed, according to the photographic support they presented to the agency.

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“Most likely he will go to a family in the United States”advanced the official.
Finally, he indicated that during Tuesday 28, a special commission would work to deliberate to choose who would be awarded the controversial feline, and You will be informed this Wednesday, March 1st.
Since his rescue, Mischicles was in the care of caregivers from the Municipal Pet Rescue and Adoption Shelter (COPPER).

Although they are called Egyptian or “sphynx”, these cats have nothing to do with the North African country. It’s a young breed born in Canada in the 60s following a recessive genetic mutation, which is at the origin of the cat have no hair. Although in reality it has a very short and fine coat of hair which is practically imperceptible.
Another peculiarity is its body temperature much higher than the rest of the feline breeds, which helps them counter this lack of hair. It also highlights its triangular head, round muzzle and large ears. They also don’t have a mustache and their skin creases more easily by forming folds.
Despite his pronounced musculature and striking features, They are nice, friendly and very friendlyso much so that he is considered one of the most affectionate cats in the world with his humans.
Agree with carlos najeraresponsible for the municipal center for the rescue and protection of domestic animals (RAM) in Ciudad Juárez, an “Egyptian” cat could reach a cost of up to 40,000 pesos.

This is a criminal group based in Ciudad Juárez, which is allegedly associated with the Sinaloa Cartel, Founded by Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman Loera, who is imprisoned in the United States.
However, it is said that they are mostly made up of people deported from the United States and that they maintain a rivalry with “Los chapitos” Because the Sinaloa Cartel is currently divided into at least 3 factions, one led by the “Chapo” brothers, another by “El Mayo” Zambada and the last by his sons Iván Archivaldo, Jesús Alfredo, Ovidio and Joaquín.