The second richest person in the world, Elon Musk, plan to make one great investment in Mexico to set up a factory of your company You’re here. The South African-American tycoon, who is 51 years old and a fortune of 196 thousand 500 million dollarsaccording to the official Realtime Billionaires website of Forbesfor a few months he gave signs that he would be looking to invest in Mexico.

Why María Asunción Aramburuzabala, Mexico’s Richest Woman, Sold Grupo Modelo in 2013
Mariasun, as she is called in her close circle, inherited part of the brewing business, which after a few years she decided to sell.
Although the Mexican entity in which it would seek to locate the electric car factory, which will produceto 20 million of its vehicles by 2023it is rumored that the chosen entity would be the Northern state of Nuevo León.
The journalist Mario Maldonado, In his column for this Wednesday, February 15, entitled Musk and Tesla go to the Netherlands, despite presidential lobbyingNote that Elon Musk and his group of advisers have already decided to set up the automobile production plant Tesla in Nuevo Leon, so on March 1, the announcement would be made official.

How Carlos Slim got back into the top 10 millionaires in the world
The tycoon is the richest man in Mexico. However, he had remained out of the world top spots.
The investment, according to Maldonadoit would be $10 billion, a very large sum of money. The decision to locate the factory in Nuevo León, according to the columnist, could only change due to a relentless strategy of the presidential government Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, for having tried to take advantage of this complex as a detonator of the Philip Angeles International Airport (AIFA).

The large sum of money that Musk will invest in the country for his new electric car factory is such that even It exceeds the fortunes of several of the businessmen who are in the top 10 richest people in Mexico. In fact, according to the latest listing from the American magazine specializing in financial matters, Forbes, only three Mexican billionaires would exceed that amount of money in fortune. It is Carlos Slimthe richest person in Mexico, who has a fortune of $81.2 billion; German Larrea, who according to Forbes he has an accumulated fortune of 30 thousand 850 million dollars; followed by Ricardo Salinas Pliego, owner of companies such as TV Azteca and Grupo Salinas, with a fortune of 12,450 million dollars.

Carlos Slim: what millionaire works of art the Mexican tycoon has in his house
Carlos Slim became an art lover thanks to his wife, Soumaya Domit, who died in 1999.
However, the following people, who are the richest in Mexico, no longer exceed the investment that Musk plans to make in the country for his factory You’re here. The fourth richest family in Mexico are the Bailleres. They own Bal Group and Palacio de Hierro, and they have a fortune, according to Forbes, of 6 thousand 650 million dollarsmeaning Musk’s investment in Mexico is $3,350 million higher.
Later, in the list of the richest people in Mexico, one of the heiresses of Model Group, businesswoman Maria Asuncion Aramburuzabala Larregui. She is considered the richest woman in the country and one of the most influential women in Mexico and Latin America. He controls the companies Tresalia Capital and the Abilia real estate agency.
Mariasunas she is known among her friends and family, has a fortune which amounts to 6 thousand 180 million dollars, which means that Musk’s investment is greater than 3 billion 820 million dollars.

The sixth person to appear on the list of Forbes are Eva Gonda de Rivera, widow of Eugenio Garza Lagüera, who was president of the company Mexican Economic Development (FEMSA). Gonda de Rivera, according to Forbes, has a fortune of 5 thousand 700 million dollars, which means that Musk’s investment in Mexico is greater than 4 billion 300 million dollars.
In seventh position, the family appears González Moreno, business owners grum, one of the leading companies in the marketing of flour and corn tortillas in the world for more than 70 years. They have a fortune 5 billion 500 million dollars, according Forbesthat is, the investment of the second richest man in the world in Mexico is greater than 4 billion 500 million dollars.
Who concludes the top 10 Mexican billionaires of Forbes are the families Servitje Montull; Arango and Juan Domingo Beckmann, who have fortunes of $5.4 billion; 4 thousand 400 million and 4 thousand 059 million, respectively.