The representative Miguel Polo Polo took advantage of the crisis live air — which canceled its national and international flights at the last minute and without notice on February 27 — to challenge and attack the government of Gustavo Petro you all petrismwhom he blamed not only for the cessation of airline operations, but also for the closure of supermarkets fair and good. The representative said that “petrism is a scourge”.
“Petrism came to power and Colombia began to be ruined: the Justo y Bueno stores were completed by Petro with the looting of the strike, and Viva Air was also completed by Petro with the rise of the dollar and with the rise of essence. Petrism is a scourge (sic)”, chanted the representative of Polo Polo.
Among the reactions elicited by the trill are comments such as:
‘Because she’s black, she has the right to waste resources on bullshit’: Polo Polo’s new attack on Francia Márquez
The controversial representative of Afro communities in Congress, via his Twitter account, asked the vice president about the expensive expenses she has had since taking office
“1. Justo y Bueno was already ruined a long time ago (sic) 2. Viva was in the latter several months ago and there is already an investigation to perhaps want to merge with Avianca without authorization 3. The essence is to cover the defunding of Duque”; “they knew that petro had killed queen isabell (sic)”; “It’s already the straw that broke the camel’s back, speaking with lies and without reason, I prefer solid arguments (sic)”; “It doesn’t suit him to lie, representative. These companies went bankrupt not because of the government, but because of the dirty tricks of those who control the market, the Santodomingos act like this, and that’s the recipe they applied to breweries at the time (sic)”.
On February 26, the Representative in the House again called President Petro a guerrilla to criticize the national government saying that it is full of lies and that he is doing everything to validate the health bill.
María Fernanda Cabal does not dismiss Rebecca Sprösser as “a scoundrel and a living woman”
The German journalist has returned to the country and now benefits from a security device provided by the National Protection Unit
Polo Polo compared the scenario of the Public hospitals in several municipalities in the country where the best resources are not available and said that if the bill is approved health reformthe country’s system would be equally negligent throughout the national territory.
”False information about Ministry of Minesplagiarized reports from Ministry of Health and false photos of the GUÉRILLA to validate its reform. This government is full of falsehoods and lies. All Mitomanos. If we don’t do something now the country will end for us,” he tweeted on February 25.
The congressman also mentioned at different times that if some of the social reforms are approved, there will be more protests against the government.
“It’s just a warning sir. Gustavo Petro, how dare you mess with the health and pensions of the Colombians, we are going to strike very aggressively. That it will not be the shadow of unemployment in 2021. The health and pensions of Colombians are respected! We are not going to let Colombia be destroyed,” he wrote on Twitter.
He also confirmed, on February 27, that the marches against the national government will return and that “it will not be an opposition on social networks!” and that there will be “new mass protests against the Petro (sic) government, its reforms and its wastefulness. We won’t let things get cold and they’ll keep nailing us like they did. The world will know the discontent of the Colombian people,” he said, quoted in Week.
“The country in the hands of a historic pact filled with struggling drug addicts and alcoholics. These are the “changes” those who make the laws and run the country. Disgust and shame!”
Those are the words Rep. Miguel Abraham Polo tweeted to join the discussion that led to his fellow Rep. Susana Boreal’s admission that he smokes marijuana.
Moth mocks Susana Boreal and Polo Polo criticizes the government: “drug addicts” and “alcoholics”
The historic Covenant House Rep’s admission of her daily marijuana use continues to provoke backlash. Representative Miguel Polo Polo took advantage and criticized the Petro government: “drug addicts” and “alcoholics”