Due to climate change, variations in the state of the weather are more constant, which means that in a single day there can be high temperatures, constant rains as well as severe frosts; take your precautions and find out the weather forecast for today March 11 in Monterrey.
In Monterrey, it is expected a maximum temperature of 35 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 18 degrees Celsius.
As for the rain the probability of precipitation for this city will be 1% during the day and 0% at night.
In the same direction, the cloudiness will be 70% during the day and 2% at night. While the gusts of wind they will reach 35 kilometers per hour during the day and 32 kilometers per hour at night.
Watch out for the sun, ultraviolet rays should reach a level of up to 5.
The best season to travel to the royal capital is from January to August and from October to December, which is the hot or hot climate season, where There is hardly any rain and with temperatures ranging from 27 to 35 degrees.
As temperatures are extremely high in summer, the capital experiences a drought that reaches its peak between July and August, which is also a season known as the “heat wave”.
On the other hand, the rainy season begins in the fall, with September being the wettest month; however, there have been occasions when storms have occurred that leave severe flooding between April and June. In January, the coldest month, the thermometer drops to an average of 14 degrees although the “coldest day” it is usually recorded in February.
According to brands, the minimum temperature recorded in the city’s history was that of 1983, when the thermometer marked -7.5 degrees, while the last snowfall occurred in December 2004; On the other hand, The hottest day it was recorded on April 24, 1958, when 48 degrees was reached.
Mexico is a privileged country, due to its geographical position (its outlet on the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the division made by the Tropic of Cancer) makes it a megadiverse area, hosting at least 12% of the world’s species, 12,000 of which are endemic.
Although the Tropic of Cancer segments the country into two climatic zones – one temperate and the other tropical – the truth is that the altitude, latitude and distribution of land and water mean that within the national territory up to seven types of weather are identified: hot subhumid, dry, semi-dry, dry desert, hot humid, temperate subhumid, temperate humid and cold.
In this context, it is not surprising that in the upper parts of Chihuahua the thermometer reaches -30 degrees in temperature, while in the Mexicali desert, equal to the north of the country, it rises to register 50 degrees Celsius.
According to the National Weather Service, the country’s average annual temperature is 19 degrees, however, there are cities like Mexicali, Culiacán, Ciudad Juárez, Hermosillo, Torreón, Saltillo and Monterrey where temperatures are excessively high.
As proof is San Luis Rio Coloradoa city located in Sonora and located on the border of the Great Altar Desert of Baja California and the state of Arizona and which is well known for holding the record for the highest temperature recorded in the country, after on July 6, 1966 the thermometer rose to mark 58.5 degrees Celsius.
On the other hand, the lowest temperature recorded in history It was that of December 27, 1997, when the thermometer dropped to -25 degrees in the Chihuahuan municipality of Madero.
However, this variety of climates has been affected in recent years by the global warming and experts predict a bleak future for the country with a drastic reduction in annual rainfall and a drastic rise in temperatures.
The devastations have already begun to affect farmers and ranchers due to droughts or severe floods, while in the hot seasons the number of environmental contingencies has increased in the main cities, as is the case from the Mexican capital .