Carlos Alberto Chinchilla, Deputy Director of Social Prosperity Programs and Projects, explained that payments for “Great Colombia” will take place between first and second week of March 2023.
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According to the official, the payments will be made on these dates due to the restructuring activities that Prosperidad Social has carried out in warranty transfers of this economic support, to the most vulnerable populations.
“We had some very normal times at the start of the year as the hiring process unfolded. The contracting of the operator is indeed done with a view to obtaining these types of subsidies. We are very concerned about the way whose transfers actually reach the most remote places with difficulty,” Chinchilla explained.
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The departments with the most seats are Antioquia (2,400), Cauca (1,651) and Norte de Santander (1,440).
On the other hand, the debate on the delay in the transfer of this money was generated by the mayor, Claudia López, who asked the Director of Social Prosperity to inform when would they take place to which Cielo Rusinque Urrego replied that the last payment, corresponding to December 2022, ended on January 10, 2023.
Likewise, he added that, as is normal at the beginning of each mandate, technical and operational adjustments must be made with the allocated budget to make the payments for the transfers of the new periods.
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The project must be discussed and to be approved you have until May 2023
“@ClaudiaLopez. I am surprised that his officials did not inform him of what was reviewed in this meeting and that due to his political and political eagerness to appear, he is taking the opportunity to misinform the beneficiaries of #ColombiaMayor and tell them that the government has abandoned them,” Rusinque pointed out.
The elderly beneficiaries of this program can receive this subsidy in banking networkspreviously programs by the Social Prosperity entity and with town halls or district mayors.
The beneficiary who makes the collection with a special power of attorney or a power of attorney given by a judge, notary public or other authority, must present and return the original power of attorney at the point of payment and must indicate their intention to receive the grant from the Colombia Mayor program.
Social Prosperity requested that, to avoid possible confusion with other payments for programs or services offered by the operator, once the money is received, must be counted in front of the cashier and request the payment slip, with which you can verify the corresponding value of the payment received and the reason for it.
This national incentive can be collected from SuRED and allies nationwide. The directory of payment points by municipality can be consulted below:
This program is a special account of the nation, without legal personality attached to the Ministry of Labor. Its mission is to disburse grants from the Program of Pension contribution subsidy and the Colombian Mayors Program.
In addition, the national entity explained that its “beneficiaries house the population without the ability to pay to contribute to full board and adults elderly people in vulnerable situations and extreme poverty.
Seniors wishing to benefit from this national program must comply with the following requirements:
- To be Colombian.
- Have resided for the last ten (10) years in the national territory.
- Be at least three years younger than the required retirement age (currently 54 for women and 59 for men).
- Lack of income or sufficient income to subsist.
- According to SISBÉN IV, all levels of groups A and B and C are included up to subgroup C1.
The elderly person who meets the registration conditions must go to the town hall of his municipality with the physical citizenship card. In most territorial entities the procedure is carried out at the Office of Attention to the Elderlyin the city of Bogotá, this is done in the local offices of the Secretariat for Social Integration.
- The person responsible for the procedure at the office of the mayor of the municipality or district verifies compliance with the requirements by examining his physical citizenship card and completing the registration in the information system of the program.
- Later, through cross-referencing with external databases, it is verified that the registered citizen does not receive any pension or income.
- The system processes the information of the potential beneficiaries to whom the ‘Priority Criteria’ apply, which the entity determines for the order of allocation of the quotas, once they are available.
- Prioritization lists are essential because each commune has an established quota for the program; As quotas are released, potential beneficiaries follow in strict order of entry.
- Finally, the cross-checking of information carried out through the various sources at the national level, proof that the applicant does not meet any of the entry conditions, the town hall is notified to carry out the verification on the territory.