Graphologist and body analyst, Maryfer Centeno, used her social networks to study close public apology of the driver of window, Pati Chapoy, before the controversy with singer Yuridia. The body language expert reported that the show host’s lamentations were made obligatorily, Well, more specifically, she wasn’t apologizing for the hurtful comments, but she was ashamed of the situation that framed the topic.

Maryfer Centeno defended Yuridia after analyzing the moment she broke out against Pati Chapoy: ‘I think she’s brave’
The graphologist gave some details about the body language that the singer showed in her video
“They are not apologies to Yuridia, they are some apologies about Yuridia”pointed out Maryfer Centeno and continued:
“Of course, this one was forced. Of course it’s not spontaneous, every word is thought out and maybe it should be so.”
And it is that according to the analyst, the situation facing the host of the television show is a scenario that causes her a lot of tension, because contrary to her speech in front of the cameras, Pati Chapoy has not “took” the controversy with the singer personally.
The analyst also pointed out that such statements by the communicator represented a great challenge for her, since she was “obviously” accused and singled out not only by Yuridia, but also by the public opinion who has not ceased to be “curious” on social networks since the start of the controversy.

Ventaneando drivers defended themselves against Yuridia’s accusations, but they were exposed
The production released a video which was taken over by the singer herself to show that she was harassed when she had just had her son Phoenix
Maryfer Centeno has repeatedly said that the position of the driver was always rigid for the “containment of emotions”; However, as he spoke his words, he regained the confidence and “dignity” he did not display at the beginning of his statements.
It should be noted that the graphologist acknowledged that Pati Chapoy was surprised by Yuridia’s reaction, especially after the great support she received from people on different digital platforms. Reason why ‘he would have felt compelled’ to issue a public apology on the show windowing this February 13.

The host took time out of her program to show her stance with Yuridia and apologize for any comments that would have hurt the singer on any other occasion.

Why Yuridia blew up on Pati Chapoy: ‘She takes the things she says very lightly’
The interpreter also reacted to rumors about her supposed pregnancy
“I want to sincerely apologize for the expression I made. I never did it with the intention of offending her, not just to this comment I gave 20 years ago, but for all the comments we made through Ventaneando,” Pati Chapoy pointed out on her show.
It should be mentioned that the host pointed out that the program is a room for criticism and that this will be maintained with the recommendations now issued by the National Commission to prevent and eradicate violence against women (I tried).
This addiction was said to have been pronounced after the controversy between the singer released from “La Academia” and the members of the evening show was a recurring topic in public conversation, especially on social networks. Space in which multiple messages of support for the interpreter of “El Ángel” have been expressed by his fans.

According to Conavim, the statements of the Ventaneado driver are considered discriminatory and typed such as digital and media violence as stipulated by the general law on women’s access to a life without violence.
“From the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence Against Women (Conavim), we condemn the statements made at the time by a renowned host (Pati Chapoy), against the singer Yuridia, when ‘she was critical of her physical appearance,’ said Conavim in its statement published a few days ago on the program windowing
It should be noted that Yuridia would have expressed the harassment by show programs since she participated in the famous show “La Academia”, a situation that led her to face serious health problems related to her physique.