daisy zavalamember of the National Action Party (PAN) and wife of the former president Felipe Calderonhas been keeping a low profile ever since Genaro Garcia Luna former Secretary of Public Security, was found guilty in a US court. It was until March 3 that he reappeared.
The lawmaker returned to social media with a criticizes the government of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) for having criticized the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) led by the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
In his post, he accuses the so-called Fourth Transformation (4T) of having declared the war against the National Electoral Institute (INE) and to try to do the same with the Supreme Court. He pointed out that the government was in turn in a position of comfort when the minister Arturo Zaldivar was in charge, which changed with the arrival of the current Minister-President Norma Pineapple.
“The Morena government waged war on the INE. Now their obsession will go against the Court (@SCJN) they were very comfortable with in the hands of @ArturoZaldivarL”
“Now it’s different because there is a woman who is independent (of any power). We will have to defend it.”
Zavala’s comment was in response to what was said by Lopez Obrador on the judiciary on March 1. And it is that, during his morning press conference, accused the SCJN of serving the elites, after a judge granted an amparo to Javier García Cabeza de Vacaformer governor of Tamaulipas, who had a warrant for his arrest.
AMLO also assured that when Zaldívar was president of the Supreme Court, there was greater control over the judges.
His remarks drew criticism from his detractors, including Zavala. This last absent from the Chamber of Deputies during several sessions after the media scandal after Garcia Luna, who was in charge of the Secretary of Public Security during Calderón’s sexennium (2006-2012), was declared guilty of drug trafficking in Brooklyn court.
It was not until March 2 that he resumed legislative work in San Lázaro, amid criticism from lawmakers in Morena and allied parties. Just a day before his return, the Deputy Julieta Ramírez exploded in his absence and demanded that the PAN reveal his whereabouts.
“It is the policy of the PAN: intolerance, censorship and drug trafficking. So I ask all members, where is Margarita Zavala? Why don’t they come and show their faces?”
“Don’t be cowards, justice will find you even if you go into hiding in Spain,” added the morenista, who joined the characters in the self-proclaimed Fourth Transformation (4T) which accuses Calderón of alleged links to García Luna.
And it is that among Morena’s activists there are many who doubt that the former president was unaware of the former official’s illegal activities. Some even point directly to the fact that Calderón is also linked to drug trafficking.
It must be remembered that Calderón was mentioned by Edgar Veytia, a former Nayarit prosecutor, during his statement in court in Brooklyn. As part of his testimony, he claimed to have learned that García and the then-president indicated that “the line had to go with El Chapo”.
In his Veytia declaration, also known as The devilrevealed that he obtained this information in 2011 during a meeting with Ney González, then governor of Nayarit, and who had previously met with Calderón and García.
garcia moon he was found guilty of the five counts brought against him: three for drug trafficking, one for organized crime and another for misrepresentation.