Despite the heaviness traffic accident who suffered last Sunday, February 26, in the district of Magdalenethe young Brigitte Paissi comes to recuperate in the hospital Santa Rosa, when you will be observed in observation for the multiple lesions that you have in all the skin, you will dirty volando varios metros por al aire a cause de la fuerte collision entre son moto y un auto en la cuadra 31 de there brazil avenue.
Eight months in pretrial detention against the driver who left a young man in a coma following an accident on the Aramburu bridge
The family and friends of Camila Aguayo, 22, demand justice for the young woman, torn between life and death
This was reported by his father, Ivan Paisig, after having detailed the diagnosis made by the doctors of the said hospital. He said his daughter had “injuries to the head, legs and different parts of the body”.
“She was in evaluation. The doctor told me that they were going to do everything possible to stabilize her, she is still under observation,” the father told AFP. TV Peru Newsfrom outside the Santa Rosa hospital, where he arrived to find out about his daughter’s state of health.
Regarding the driver of the car, identified as Victor Sanchez Guevarathe victim’s father said that when he went to a police station in that jurisdiction, he was told that the driver had been transferred to cross the dose of ethyl and that, as it was going to take “two hours”, return on the morning of this Monday, February 27.
Traffic accident in Huarmey leaves two dead and five injured
Pan American Highway North mile 247 was where a van lost control and rolled over
“Just this morning I went there and the policeman Ramos tells me that yesterday it was not possible, because the one who had to take the ethyl dose was in Ventanilla and it took a long time, about six hours , that’s why they took him away now at 9 am,” the father said.
Footage captured by security cameras in the area revealed that the accident allegedly happened due to the carelessness of the driver of the car. This makes a U-turn on Av. Brasil, in an area where apparently this type of maneuver is not allowed.
At the time of the collision, Brigitte Paissi She was driving a motorcycle that was not driven by her, but by a companion, who ended up with a broken wrist, but with fewer injuries than the young woman.
Mototaxi crashes into a bus and two people die from the impact in Rímac
Tragic! The Urban Transport Authority of Lima and Callao (ATU) has announced that it will initiate an administrative sanction procedure (PAS) and place the bus that caused the death of the two people in a warehouse.
After the accident, police officers intervened with Sánchez Guevara, who was driving the vehicle registered C3K-091.