Magali Medina regretted that the program Andrea Llosa gave the family of John Kelvin. On Wednesday February 15, the Andrea space had as guests the singer’s relatives, who came to the set to ask for custody of the children of Dahlia Duran.
Andrea Llosa and Pamela Vértiz went head-to-head in a fun sketch of ‘JB en ATV’
The drivers participated in “The 5 things I don’t like about you” and surprised by launching strong confessions.
For the journalist, having offered them a showcase means not listening to the voice of a victim of violence, since the only intention of the family of John Kelvin It’s “wash your face”.
“Besides the fact that Dalia annoys us sometimes, we are not with the decisions she makes, but I believe that above all, she is a battered, raped woman who still has a lot to do. What he does not would not do is open a debate on the possibility of taking her children away from her. Today in a program on my channel, I have to regret that it is so, but I would say it anyway if it was on a another channel. I’m sorry that all those people who know they hate Dalia Durán, who want – above all – to clean her up, have been brought in,” said Magaly Medina, quite annoyed.

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For the journalist, the program Andrea Llosa he played the game of “washing John Kelvin’s face, stoning a victim of violence again”.
The reporter also pointed out that “these things don’t get done.” In addition, he indicated that he allows himself to give his opinion because the channel allows it.

Magaly TV: The firm: Dalia Durán defends herself against John Kelvin’s accusations and more details on the Ricardo Mendoza case
Pedro Valle arrived on the set of ‘Magaly TV: La firma’ to show the conversations he had with Rosalía about Ricardo Mendoza.
“He always gave us a lot of freedom, but I think that when certain subjects are discussed in a cause that I have embraced, an emblematic cause of this program, I also feel that the blows have also fallen on me. “, he added. said. Magali Medinaemphasizing that he will continue to defend the position of Dahlia Duran.
At another point, the TV host asked Andrea Llosa have a position on the case John Kelvin. He even indicated that before tackling this subject, it was appropriate to ask his production for permission to provide advice.
“I would never sit people down trying to show that she’s no good, she’s a bad woman and the other one is a saint, that’s not how it is. in a way, he’s trying to confuse public opinion. You have to establish a position, not just say, ‘oh, no. I’m against violence, I’m standing up for women that goddamn men don’t recognize their children. (trying to imitate Andrea)”. You have to establish a position, when you interfere in a subject, which we are very steeped in, at least ask us for permission to touch it because we can help you not to make the mistakes that are publicly given. Television programs have great strength, you have to be very careful about that,” he concluded.

Relatives of John Kelvin came to Andrea Llosa’s program to seek custody of Dalia Durán’s children. They also ensured that the Cuban minors.
“I would like them to help us. My godson is the eldest and he can attest to many things. Yes, I would like it to be in a Gesell room,” said the singer’s cousin, Doris Sarmiento.
The woman also assured that the blonde is still in love with her cousin, which is why she never agreed to an intermediary. Doris Sarmiento assured that Dalia wanted John Kelvin himself to come to his house to see his children.
At another time, the family claimed to have audio recordings which confirm that the children were abused by the model, and that the eldest son (13) could testify to this. Although it is true, Andrea Llosa did not issue these tests on minors, she advised her guests to present these audios to the Ministry of Women.
What the program aired is a video where Dalia is seen sharing with the family of John Kelvin, dated November 8, 2022, after their conciliation meeting. In the footage, the blonde is seen dancing and singing inside a vehicle, while her ex-partner is in the passenger seat recording her. “Fall in love”, sang the Cuban to him.
“It seemed like there was something between them. You can’t see it, but at first he didn’t pay attention to her and she sings the song to him again. I kind of accompanied him to make him feel more confident, it’s the truth, things happened like that (…) They had nothing intimate because we were intermediaries, “explained Doris shoot.