Magali Medina commented in an interview that michelle soifer He confided to a media, in which he spoke of the shame he felt for having kept his ex-partners. In the program, Magaly TV ‘The Firm’the reporter pointed out that they were still critical of Soifer supporting his ex-partners financially.

Michelle Soifer admits to having supported several of her partners: “I could say that I was a ‘sugar mommy'”
The former reality TV star took to the stage for a YouTube interview and revealed she does her boyfriends’ whims.
In this interview, michelle soifer He clarified that he will no longer be the financial support of his partners.
“I always give opportunities for love and I never judge by the previous person who was with me. (…) I have already learned. What I would never do again is keep a man. Never again. That I will give him my trust, my love, it will happen, but to keep a man, I will not do it again,” he said.
In view of this comment, Magali Medina He pointed out that it took several relationships for him to learn that he shouldn’t support his partners.

Magaly Tv: The firm: Magaly Medina reveals that Renato Tapia sent her a notarized letter and Florcita Polo has a new love
La ‘Urraca’ reported that the footballer sent him a notarized letter after he exposed his case on national television.
she remembered her ex-boyfriend Joseph Benignialso known as “The Little Prince”, whom Soifer supported financially while they were lovers.
Magali Medina He recalled that Soifer had invested in a hamburger restaurant so that Benignini could work.
“He always stood up for it when they told him he only carried his wallet,” Medina said.
However, michelle soifer She clarified that she does not regret the support she gave to her ex-partners and that she regrets that there are people who took advantage of her.

Magaly Medina disapproves of Abencia Meza’s request for presidential pardon: “He is not in prison for his mistakes”
Magaly Medina spoke of the presidential pardon requested by Abencia Meza to get out of prison.
“I have a serious legal problem (with Joseph Benigni), but it comes from me. The only thing I can say today is that I don’t regret anything that happened to me. I’m really sorry that there are people taking advantage of good-hearted people because I’m a big game,” he commented.
As, Magali Medina He said financial support from Peruvian women in show business is common and it happens because they don’t feel good enough about themselves, as well as because of low self-esteem.
“It happens to a lot of women in show business. They don’t think that when you keep a man like that, it’s like you’re paying him to be with you. Did they have so little value of themselves , so little ego, did they love each other so little?
He clarified that men like Joseph Benigniwho prefer to be supported financially by their partner, take advantage of women who do not love themselves, even if they are pretty.
“¿Sabes de quién se aprovechan los hombres que no hacen nada, que son unos vagos y que son realmente vividores?, porque esa es la palabra, de mujeres necesitadas de afecto, de mujeres que no se quieren, de mujeres que tienen el autoestima on the ground (…). This is the big problem. So they go through these stages of having each other and repeat the pattern. The next boyfriend he has also has to support him, they also have to bear the expenses, they also have to put the car on him, they also have to give him food and even buy him a dog,” he said. said.