The former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Gonzales Posadagave its opinion on the report published this Thursday by Amnesty International around the crisis Peru. The agency points out that “serious human rights violations” are being committed, fueled by racism and the criminalization of indigenous and peasant communities.

Amnesty International denounces widespread attacks against the population during demonstrations against the government
The institution’s director for the Americas, Erika Guevara, pointed to the excessive and disproportionate use of force
For the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, it is “a perversely biased report, because it says that there is a murderous repression on the part of the State who despises the indigenous and peasant population. From there, he adds that the authorities treat them like animals and then points out that there is a systematic racism”.
For the diplomat, Amnesty has the same narrative they follow left wing NGO like the one they met recently in Geneva with the parliamentarian from Peru Free, Margot Palacios.
“He underlines that a genocide took place, without knowing what is the qualification in international law of the term genocide. They also pointed out that Peru is a country ruled by the military. It’s all part of the same narrative promoted by the leaders of the countries that are part of the socialist group of the 21st century,” he said.

Although it indicates that there is racism in all companies Gonzales Posada considers that it cannot be said that there was a deliberate intention to despise the indigenous and peasant population. He adds that the report does not indicate that it was precisely in these areas, such as Puno, where the population, obviously predominantly indigenous or peasant, was the one who started the violence.

Amnesty International confirms use of lethal and less-lethal weapons in protests in Peru and condemns ‘excessive and disproportionate use’
The organization’s executive director, Erika Guevara, spoke to GlobeLiveMedia and revealed that the organization has collected a series of tests that show the illegitimate use of weapons by authorities. 80% of the victims are concentrated in the Andean and peasant regions of the country’s highlands
“He attacked the airport, tried to destroy it, set fire to the premises of the public ministry, the judiciaryblocked roads, attacked people with sticks National Police. We must therefore produce a balanced and serene report,” he said.
For the politician, Amnesty International You shouldn’t use a national disgrace like these Peruvian deaths that we should all mourn. And he ruled out that we are facing a totalitarian and fascist government that kills the poor, the peasants, the natives.
“This file must be handled calmly, with consideration, but with efficiency, and for this the public prosecutor has all the instruments to determine why these deaths occurred. Investigate and, of course, if there have been excesses, punish those responsible. But you cannot lightly say what is said. We have seen in dramatic fashion the very serious moments that Peru has experienced, with vicious acts of violence, attacks on buses, fires and roadblocks. We have seen it, even here in Lima, the police retreating with their shields and the violent demonstrators throwing sticks or stones at them. It has nothing to do with racism, it has nothing to do with what Amnesty International supports,” he said.

But what we must also emphasize is that the evaluation of the subject must be equal. He specifies that if there have been abuses on the part of the Armed forces and the police, who must be investigated and punished. And if there were also acts of violence committed by citizens.

Strike in Piura, as marches and roadblocks continue across the country
Despite the release of several roads, which were taken over by the protesters, there are still 31 critical roads and it is expected that this week the armed forces will start the unblocking works.
In this sense, he said that the justice it must speed up the investigations, which is not happening. “Justice delayed is justice denied, precisely because delay gives way to speculation, doubt and questioning.
Gonzales Posada He also referred to diplomatic conflicts with various countries in the region. “Peru is under attack from eight countries, from all points of view. Just yesterday I was listening to the president Lopez Obrador, not wanting to transfer to Peru the pro tempore secretariat of the Pacific Alliance which corresponds to us. And do you know why? Because he continues to recognize Castillo as president. same as sir Gustavo Petroof Colombia, which continues to consider Castillo as president and describes the Peruvian forces, the Peruvian police as Nazis,” he said.
He pointed out that we are subject to a battery of attacks launched to pin down the government and of course to rescue Pedro Castillo as a political leader.