For four hours in the afternoon of Tuesday, February 14, a speech by President Gustavo Petro was scheduled at the Plaza de Armas of the House of Nariño. In this, he would talk to those who demonstrated in favor of the national government, the reforms proposed by his administration, including the one put in place on Monday 13 to transform the current health system.
Sergio Fajardo opposed Gustavo Petro for the demonstrations called in favor of his reforms
He even said that these demonstrations would not do Total Peace any good because of the high risk of physical confrontation in the streets.
However, the head of state appeared two hours later on one of the balconies of the presidential palace, and in front of thousands of fans, social organizations and indigenous movements, he mentioned some of the projects that have already been approved and others that he thinks must be approved by him Congress of the Republic.
Along with the First Lady, Veronique Alcocer, and his daughter Antonella, began by talking about the need to implement the reforms proposed by the current administration and said that they must be approved “to bring about change” in the country. Later, he referred to the current crisis generated by situations such as covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
These are the main reforms proposed by the Petro government in the national development plan
The national government’s roadmap proposes changes such as the creation of a universal income register and the removal of the national police from the Ministry of Defense