Kim Jong-un’s regime has approved the use of warfare elements against joint US-South Korean exercises. (Reuters)

North Korea adopted deterrents for “offensive use” of warfare elements in response to joint military exercises United States and South Korea they have planned for next Monday, as reported by Kim Jong-un’s regime propaganda agencies.

The measures were agreed at a meeting of the military commission of the North Korean dictator.

“The meeting discussed and adopted important practical steps to make the use of military deterrence more effective, powerful and offensive,” he said. KCNA.

He added that the action aims to “address the current situation in which War provocations between the United States and South Korea reach the red line”, without specifying the extent of the measures.

The meeting of the North Korean military corps takes place a day before the start of the Freedom Shield Maneuvers from Washington and Seoul, which include a series of “full-scale” field exercises that will last until the next March 23.

Pyongyang generally regards these maneuvers as a try to invade their territory and this time promised to provide “an unprecedented response”.

The last time the allies carried out maneuvers of this magnitude last November, North Korea fired more than 30 missiles of various types in response -one of them of intercontinental scope- in just three days.

He added that the action aims to
He added that the action aims to “address the current situation in which the provocations of war by the United States and South Korea are reaching the red line”, without specifying the extent of the measures. (Reuters)

The peninsula experiences a historic level of tension after 2022 during which Pyongyang which rejected offers to return to dialogue, carried out a record number of weapons tests and in which the allies once again carried out great maneuvers and deployed strategic assets Americans in the area.

Analysts predict that North Korea will use the maneuvers as an excuse to escalate tensions with Washington and Seoul with new missile tests and maybe a nuclear test.

North Korean regime media reported on Friday that Kim Jong-un ordered its armed forces to step up preparations for a “real war”.

Last week, Kim Jong-un and his sister, Kim Yo Jong, criticized the maneuvers of the American armed forces, arguing that reserve the right to take “appropriate, prompt and overwhelming actionin response, while accusing the US of “intentionally” generating tension.

North Korea he warned United States and its allies that it would consider as “a clear declaration of war” the interception of the test missiles it repeatedly launches over the Pacific Ocean.

The meeting of the North Korean military corps takes place a day before the start of the maneuvers
The North Korean military corps meeting comes a day before the start of the “Freedom Shield” maneuvers in Washington and Seoul, which include a series of “full-scale” ground exercises that will last until March 23. (Reuters)

Pyongyang alleges its nuclear and weapons programs are in self-defense and attacks military exercises in Washington and Seoul, which it understands as preparations for a possible invasion.

This would be seen as a clear declaration of war against the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) in the event of a military response such as the interception of our strategic weapons tests.“, he said in a press release Kim Yo-youngthe powerful sister of leader Kim Jong-un.

(With information from EFE and AFP)

Continue reading:

The North Korean regime is escalating the tension in the region and has ordered its armed forces to intensify war maneuvers
Kim Jong-un’s sister says if US intercepts North Korean test missiles ‘it would be considered a declaration of war’
Amid tension over Kim Jong-un’s tests, a US guided missile destroyer has arrived in South Korea

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