He Judicial authority confirmed this Monday, February 13, through a press release, the decision which urges the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the social security of health (EsSalud) to practice the euthanasia to the activist Ana Estrada Ugartewho since 2019 has been fighting with Peruvian justice to have a dignified death in response to the polymyositisan incurable disease from which he has suffered since the age of 12.
Judge refused to execute Ana Estrada’s euthanasia sentence: the slow path to a dignified death
Judge Silvia Nuñez Riva abstained “out of decorum” and disobeyed the Supreme Court’s decision. The Ombudsman pointed out that a judge is not empowered to rule on the merits of the dispute which has already been resolved
“This resolution is issued in execution of the sentence rendered by the Permanent Chamber of Constitutional and Social Law of the Supreme Court, which on July 22, 2022 ratified, in part, the judgment which recognizes the fundamental right of Estrada Ugarte to a die with dignity“, they said.
The judgment in favor of the psychologist orders that the Minsa and the Essalud form independent interdisciplinary medical commissions, “subject to the identity of the doctors and respecting their conscientious objection, if necessary, within a period of seven days”.
The Seventh Constitutional Court of Lima ordered the Ministry of Health #Once and Social Health Security #IsHealth respect for the sentence in favor of Ana Estrada to put an end to her life by euthanasia, by the action of a doctor. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/mNgkO5q8UG
– Judiciary Peru (@Poder_Judicial_) February 13, 2023
“The court decision provides that within this period Essalud must constitute two commissions: the first must prepare a plan which specifies the care and the technical aspects of the decision taken and a protocol of respect for their right to a dignified death, which must be presented with their report within 30 days before the Minsa medical commission, which can be extended for another 15 days,” they specified.

The tireless struggle of Ana Estrada, the woman who defended her right to a dignified death
The psychologist, diagnosed with an incurable and degenerative disease, has come a long way to have the right to decide when to end her life by euthanasia. “We have gone quite far, more than expected. I have already won,” he said.
In addition, Essalud is ordered to provide all the administrative, benefit and health conditions for the exercise of the right to death in dignified conditions for Ana Estrada through euthanasia, which must be carried out within ten working days from the moment or the date on which she expresses her wish to end her day.
“Conform han ido pasando los años, de acuerdo la naturaleza de la enfermedad que ella padece, que es la polimiositis, la enfermedad en tanto degenerativa ha ido empeorando con los años y eso implica un mayor debilitamiento muscular, razón por la cual ella ya no he can talk. She now communicates mainly through social networks, she can write with one finger,” said lawyer Josefina Miró Quesada, close to Estrada.

“She has trouble verbalizing and speaking. In recent years, which is a process that began in 2019, the lawsuit was filed in 2020 and also in the context of a pandemic. These years have of course weighed on his health. It has been a process with ups and downs, there have been joys, but we must also remember that just a few weeks ago, the decision of a judge to refuse to execute the judgment has affected a lot, but fortunately it could be amended,” added the lawyer. .

They order to execute the euthanasia of Ana Estrada and respect “the decision to end her life”
Following a request for amparo filed by the Ombudsman, the judiciary ordered the Ministry of Health and EsSalud to prepare an isolated euthanasia protocol for the activist, who suffers from a degenerative and incurable disease.