The national deputy Javier Miley He is already back in Buenos Aires after his second campaign tour, which this time took him to Patagonia, a region to which he will return in just a few days, where he has hurled insults at the various sectors of the opposition, was defiant against “caste” and revealed one of the ministries he has planned for his government if he becomes president.
This weekend, the leader of La Libertad Avanza traveled to Black River there Neuquen transmit their final approval to the candidates for the office of governor of their space in these provinces, Ariel Rivero there Carlos Eguiarespectively, ahead of the elections, both scheduled for April 16.
These will be the first important tests for the liberal economist, who wishes that the leaders who accompany him in these elections, in particular those who are vying for high office, exceed at least 15 pointsto give more substance to their aspirations to reach the Casa Rosada.
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On the other hand, the south of the country is also an area in which the deputy believes he has more chances of winning, due to the division that exists in some constituencies of the rest of the opposition parties, as is the case of Juntos por el Cambio, which recently had strong internal protests in Neuquén.
In this context, Milei traveled on Friday to lead a stroll through the commercial center of Barilochewhere he defends himself against the criticisms against him, points against “the caste” and reveals part of his assembly for a possible government.
“They say I’m dangerous. I’m dangerous to the system jets, because with me the party between rich and poor politicians ends, and we will make a country a power. We are facing a change of era. The Argentina of politicians who impoverish workers is over,” he argued.
Also accompanied by his sister Karinewho is at the head of his campaign, and for Carlos Kikuchihis national shipowner, the deputy told how one of the four ministries will be composed, which he has assured for some time that “they are already working in the shadows”, analyzing the issues that concern them and presenting proposals, although he continues to refuse to reveal the name of Who will integrate them?
On this occasion, during an interview with the media of the city, he revealed that one of these bags will be called “Human capital”which will replace Social Development and will include the areas of childhood, health, education and exit from social plans.
Subsequently, the presidential candidate left for san martin de los andeswhere he led another march, also at night and through the city center, in support of the candidacy of Eguia, who a few weeks earlier had withdrawn from the electoral struggle due to discussions between the provincial parties that make up the front in Neuquén, even if a few hours later he reconsidered his decision, after a call from the libertarian leader.
In this place, the economist again walked a few meters surrounded by a crowd of tourists and locals who came to greet him, as also happened in Bariloche, and remarked that his space “is fighting at the elbow neck and neck with the possibility of reaching the second round. “.
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“The political caste is full of criminals. We fought against the Frente de Chorros, Juntos por el Cargo, the Cynic Coalition and La Camporonga. There are fireworks, but below these are partners and the real enemies of politicians, it’s us, those who came to say that this caste model is no longer”, he said. .
Although after this activity and a lecture he gave in the hall of the Patagonia Plaza Hotelwhere he stayed, began his return to Buenos Aires, it will not be for long, since Milei plans to return to Patagonia in just a few weeks.
According to the schedule planned so far, on March 10, it will arrive at Commodore Rivadaviawhere around noon he would also hold a press conference, as he does every time he arrives in a province, and on the 11th of that same month he will carry out an act in this city to show his support for Cesar Treffinger.
Later, he will leave for Puerto Madrynanother of the main cities of chubuta place where he will again receive journalists and then walk around the city, always in the company of the candidate for the post of governor of his space.
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