32% of Peruvians consider the president To Boluarte as one of the main culprits of the country’s political crisis, while 43% believe that Pedro Castilloimprisoned for rebellion, orchestrated Rebellion in December 2022, according to a survey published this Friday by Ipsos.

Dina Boluarte’s government will have to face Pedro Castillo’s request before the IACHR: “We will defend the interests of the State”
The Minister of Justice, José Tello, ruled out that the request raises concerns within the ministerial cabinet. “It’s an ex-president’s putsch,” he recalled.
More than half of the country (51%), especially in the regions, believed that Congress had carried out a coup against Castillo, and 29% blamed Fujimorismo for the Peruvian situation, against 28% who pointed finger the right benches. .
In two months, anti-government protests claimed the lives of 70 people. With this, the main feelings of Peruvians are grief (37%), disappointment (34%) and helplessness (28%), according to the study.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked AMLO not to politicize the Pacific Alliance and demanded that he cede the presidency to Peru
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed that “the transfer of the presidency pro tempore is not a concession” but “an obligation contained in a treaty which binds the four countries” which make up the Alliance
Ipsos also revealed that one in four Peruvians would put a leader “who promotes the market economy” and “a strong leader” in the presidency.

Mario Vargas Llosa considers that the Peruvian left “has been completely distorted” with Pedro Castillo
The Nobel Prize for Literature, and new member of the French Academy, regretted that left-wing intellectuals were defending the former president when he wanted to stage a coup on December 7.