During the second month of the year, consumer prices increased in twenty-five cities in Peru, but five recorded the greatest variations, these were Puerto Maldonado (2.44%), Pucallpa ( 1.34%), Tacna (1.19%), Abancay (1.14%) and Cusco (1.09%), informed the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).
Youth employment is declining in Peru: how to manage unemployment in the midst of social and political crisis
Young people up to 24 lost their jobs, moving to informal workers or companies.
and with a significant increase, varying in an interval between 1.00% and 0.75%, three cities are located: Moyobamba (0.94%), Iquitos (0.93%) and Arequipa (0.86%). While, varying in a range between 0.75% and 0.50%, there are five cities such as Ayacucho (0.74%), Cerro de Pasco (0.54%), Tarapoto (0.65%) , Ica (0.60%) and Trujillo (0.58%) . %).
During February 2023, the blocking of main accesses to the cities has had repercussions onrestoration of various products in the markets of the country, Puerto Maldonado being the city most affected by the high fuel cost. Likewise, Pucallpa, Abancay, Tacna and Cusco, all located in the southern region of the country.
BBVA Research: March inflation will be relatively high, but will show a marked decline
Given this inflation outcome, the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) of Peru is expected to keep the benchmark rate at 7.75% at its next meeting on March 9.
Within a narrower range, with variations between 0.50% and 0.25%, where the national average (0.43%), eight cities such as Moquegua (0.50%), Chiclayo (0.49%), Lima Metropolitan (0.29%), Piura (0.29%), Cajamarca (0.47% ) and Chachapoyas (0.41%) were located. , Huancayo (0.37%) and Huaraz (0.34%).
Finally, with minor positive variations at 0.25%, four cities were identified as Chimbote (0.25%), Huancavelica (0.20%), Puno (0.14%) and Huánuco (0.08%). On the other hand, the only city that registers a negative variation is Tumbes with -0.16%.
Between March 2022 and February 2023, five cities show a cBehavior with higher rates at 11.00%, the leader of the group is Puerto Maldonado (17.43%), followed by Cerro de Pasco (12.27%), Cusco (11.82%) and Puno (11.19%), as well as Ica with (11.12%).
Over $19 million in fines issued by Sunafil for child labor cases between 2022 and 2023
The employment rate for boys, girls and adolescents (NNA), aged 5 to 17, who work in Peru was 25.3%, according to the INEI.
With variations, within a range between 11.0% and 10.0%, five cities are located as Ayacucho (10.98%), Huaraz (10.98%), Arequipa (10.57%), Tacna ( 10.42%) and Trujillo (10.00%).
Likewise, with fluctuations between 10.00% and 9.00%, there are four cities like Abancay (9.91%), Huancavelica (9.76%), Moquegua (9.90%) and Iquitos (9 .65%).
And included in the range from 9.00% to 8.00%, where the national result (8.99%), five cities are observed such as Tarapoto (8.88%), Pucallpa (8.71%), Cajamarca (8.76%), Huancayo (8.23%) and the metropolis of Lima ( 8.65%).
Ranging from 8.00% to 7.00%, there are five cities like Huánuco (7.76%), Chachapoyas (7.68%), Chiclayo (7.72%), Piura (7.65%) and Chimbote (7.21%). Finally, with a growth of less than 7.0% there are two towns Tumbes (6.55%) on the coast Moyobamba 6.22% in the jungle.