He Technical Evaluation Committee (ETC) for the designation of four advisers from the National Electoral Institute (INE) will make transparent the methodology of the process of development and application of the examination to the candidates, this after various indications of a political nature by the persons best evaluated.

This Thursday, March 9, the body responsible for selecting four new members of the INE General Council announced that “due to the fact that some questions have been submitted on the review process”, transparency and access to information tasks will be carried out, as many media have reported that, among the highest ratings , they were close to National regeneration movement (Morena), Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and the Fourth Transformation (4T).
Therefore, the public warned against the possibility that these personalities could have access to specific information about the exam, privileging them over the rest of the participants, which is why they were evaluated in this way; however, the ETC hopes to be able to demonstrate the legitimacy of the process.
Through a press release, the Committee indicated that it will make four announcements on Friday, March 10: I) Report on the process of preparing the final list of candidates who will move on to the third stage. II) Explain the methodology of the exam preparation and application process. III) Explain the selection criteria according to the principle of gender parity. and IV) Define the steps to follow in the next stage.
Developing Information