The Uttar Pradesh government has announced that there will be a three-day state mourning after the death of Indian politician Mulayam Singh Yadav was announced. His last rites will be performed with full state honours, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said.
Mulayam Singh Yadav, founder of the Samajwadi Party and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mulayam Singh Yadav died at the age of 82 on Monday, October 10. He had been admitted to Medanta hospital in Gurugram since last week.
Tributes flooded social networks after the announcement of his death.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote: “I had many interactions with Mulayam Singh Yadav Ji when we served as Chief Ministers of our respective states. The close association continued and I always looked forward to hearing their views.
“His death hurts me. Condolences to his family and thousands of followers. Om Shanti.”
I had many interactions with Mulayam Singh Yadav Ji when we served as Chief Ministers of our respective states. The close association continued and I always looked forward to hearing their views. His death hurts me. Condolences to his family and thousands of followers. Om Shanti.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) October 10, 2022
“Mulayam Singh Yadav opposed a community wave during the Rath Yatra. He had plenty of faults, but he deserves credit for helping delay the communal takeover of UP by some 15 years. RIP,” Aditya Menon wrote.
Mulayam Singh Yadav opposed a community wave during the Rath Yatra. He had plenty of faults, but he deserves credit for helping delay the communal takeover of UP by some 15 years. RIP
—Aditya Menon (@AdityaMenon22) October 10, 2022
Another person wrote: “Sad to hear about the passing of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav. May Allah Almighty bless the soul of him.”
Sad to hear about the passing of the former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav. May Almighty God bless his soul 🙏
— Abdul Samad Khan🇮🇳 (@Samadkhan8147) October 10, 2022
“Very sad to hear of the death of the great socialist leader and former CM of the UP #MulayamSinghYadav Ji. His contributions to uplift the downtrodden will always be remembered. My thoughts and prayers are with the grieving family and supporters.”
Very sad to hear of the death of the great socialist leader and former CM of the UP #MulayamSinghYadav Ji. His contributions to uplift the downtrodden will always be remembered. My thoughts and prayers are with the grieving family and supporters.
— Anubhav Mohanty (@AnubhavMohanty_) October 10, 2022
“My deepest condolences to the family on the sad passing of #MulayamSinghYadav Ji, founder and patron of the Samajwadi Party and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. May his soul rest in eternal peace.”
My deepest condolences to the family on the sad passing of #MulayamSinghYadav Ji, founder and patron of the Samajwadi Party and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
— Dra. Deviya Rane (@draneofficial) October 10, 2022
In addition to serving as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for three non-consecutive terms, Mulayam Singh Yadav also served as the Defense Minister of the Government of India.