The serious situation of violence in the city of Rosario there Constitution Villa in the province of Santa Fe, they compel society as a whole to act on the issue and provide concrete answers and the tools are found in our National Constitution.
First of all, we are in the period of ordinary sessions of Congress (from March 1 to November 30) and it is the legislator who has the power to declare the state of siege – internal disturbances (art. 23 CN) – in the province or territory where there is a disturbance of public order. This situation obliges us not to play the distracted, knowing that the situation in Rosario affects many Argentines and inhabitants of this region of our Republic. That is why we introduced a bill in Congress to declare a state of siege in Rosario.
Part of our leadership is afraid of this constitutional tool, but it cannot be denied that in Rosario the “inner turmoil” because there is a serious social, political and economic conflict, which endangers the constitutional order and above all the lives of many Argentines.
The very preamble of our Constitution sets as objectives that of “to consolidate internal peace, to ensure common defence, to promote general well-being and to ensure the benefits of freedom”. Therefore, Congress cannot ignore this constitutional obligation, grandiose announcements and an increase in the presence of federal forces can temporarily alleviate the problem, but a substantive solution is not sought, the fight against drug trafficking and the insecurity must be a state policy, beyond any ideological foundation, and the framework is our fundamental text.
We live in troubled times, the policy of the State in recent years has only been to create greater poverty, thus crystallizing a new form of slavery, such is the case that the current governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofsaid: “There are people who dedicate themselves to selling drugs because they no longer have a job“, that is, from the upper echelons of government and, as a result of the failure of economic policies, the necessary conditions were created for the proliferation of insecurity in the territory of Buenos Aires, it seems let the rule be more poverty, indigence and marginality, breeding ground of Argentine social decadence.
The serious situation experienced by thousands of Argentines in Rosario is a faithful reflection of what is happening in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. Years of silence and omission as state policy in the fight against drug trafficking and insecurity, cause the same images to repeat themselves in a short time. eternal mayors, small “monarchies”who are deafeningly silent in the face of this scourge, must challenge us and demand respect for the Constitution and the Law.
As I said Domingo Faustino Sarmiento“The Constitution was not made only to give freedom to the people, it was also made to give them security, for it was understood that without security there is no freedom.” In short, the entire political leadership must agree on this state policy, combat this serious situation, obliges us to strip ourselves of all ideological differences and to seek those commonplaces that allow us to project a future in peace, with more and better freedom. .
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