On the night of November 26, 2021, Sebastián (37) had made an appointment with friends for dinner somewhere in the town of Santa Rosa, in La Pampa. Since he had his car being repaired, he borrowed his mother’s car. His son, then 10 years old, will also join the exit. It was about half an hour after 9 p.m. when they both got into the vehicle. But they hardly made any progress: suddenly they saw a person approaching in the middle of the darkness with a child in his arms. Was Abigail Peace holding on to Lucio Dupuy. Nobody knew at that time that the woman – in complicity with her companion and the boy’s mother – Madeleine EspositoIt was he who had murdered him.
In the distance, between the trees and the bad lighting which made it difficult to distinguish precisely, the neighbor believed that it was a teenager, because of his corpulence. “But when I got closer, I realized it was an adult person. I thought it was the mother of the baby,” he recalled while chatting with GlobeLiveMedia. They didn’t know each other.
Páez was going to the health post located in Garay Vivas Street, between Sergio López and Corona Martínez, in the Atuel neighborhood, three and a half blocks from Lucio’s. But at that time, the health center was already closed. “Knowing that, I got out of the car and asked (Páez) what happened. He said to me: ‘They came in to rob me, they beat my baby'”. Sebastián l ‘ asked desperately and the woman replied the same: “I don’t know, I left him alone for five minutes and it seems that they broke into me, when I came back the baby was lying in the patio, they turned my whole house upside down.”

Everyone in the area heard the screams and ducked down. Among them were Haydee Suarez Ulloaone of those who helped the victim and told him about the event GlobeLiveMedia. Faced with the pressing situation, Sebastián took Lucio’s pulse. “And had none. So I put him down and started doing CPR, but he didn’t react.” elsa quintin, a retired nurse, collaborated in the resuscitation maneuvers. At that time, at the neighbors, it was only anxiety.
“Then my mum came out and I yelled at her, ‘Mum, please bring the car!’ I took the baby, I got in and mum started driving the wrong way,” the footage continued, according to Sebastián, who works as a painter. the order he gave his mother to get to the Evita hospital in the Pampean capital as soon as possible. Meanwhile, on the way, Páez insisted on the version of the robot.
It may interest you: The murderers of Lucio Dupuy were sentenced to life imprisonment
Arriving at the hospital, Sebastián walked into the bullfights and even kicked a door. He left Lucio on a stretcher. “There I realized that the baby had been beaten, in my memory, I believe in the face. Everything was very fast.” Shortly after the confirmation of the child’s death and in the middle of it, something caught the painter’s attention on Páez. “She was agitated, out of her mind, she started running from side to side and said ‘I have to tell the mother'”. Then the murderer got into the Fiat Palio car of Sebastián’s mother, who was about to return. There Páez got down and started running. “He was going home, maybe to rummage through things like he was robbed.”
This house, located on rue Allan Kardec at 2300, is uninhabited, with the blinds and the door closed and the grass pushed up. No one went back there after the boy died.

Sebastian agreed to speak publicly for the first time. Before, he hadn’t wanted to do it for two reasons. First of all, because of some comments from neighbors who pointed the finger at other people for supposedly wanting to “steal the camera”, something very far from reality. Indeed, the painter accepted this interview by asking that his images not be broadcast. His other argument for staying away from the media was “out of an abundance of caution, so as not to hamper the investigation”. He thought it was more appropriate to tell his version of that horrible night now, with the trial against Esposito and Páez over.
This Friday, the women were sentenced to life imprisonment. By their own decision, they did not attend the hearing. Not even remotely. They had already done so when they were found guilty earlier this month. The imposition of the sentence was communicated to them at the prison of San Luis where they are still being held.

Both the prosecutor Veronique Ferrero as plaintiff’s attorney Mario Aguerrido they were responsible for dispelling any doubt as to the execution of the sentence pronounced by the court of Santa Rosa. “According to what the Criminal Code now establishes, they do not have the possibility of applying for parole. Neither after 35 years nor any mandate, specified the representative of the public ministry. “The sentence is lifelong and it’s literal, they don’t go out anymore,” added the lawyer.
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