In the mexican territory It is common to accompany foods with spices, either sauces or pickled peppersbetter known as Pickled Chiliesthe latter are more frequently added in cakes, croissants or even sandwiches; however, it is also traditional to eat them alone or in small pieces.
For those who like to make their own food, there is a simple recipe to prepare them foyerso that on this occasion we will share the ingredients, the utensils, the procedure and the expiry date of the product.
– Three quarters of a cup of edible vegetable oil.
– 20 teeth SHE naked.
– five peeled and sliced carrots.
– 150 g cambray potatoes, cooked and halved.
– Half a piece of chopped cauliflower.
– a piece of chopped broccoli.
– Five cambray onions cut in half and without the tail.
– 16 peppercorns.
– 500 g jalapeno peppers cut into four parts lengthwise.
– 200 ml of White vinegar.
– 600ml of water.
– Fragrant herbs (bay leaf, marjoram and thyme).
– Salt.
– Ice.
– 500ml jars with metal lid and sterilized.
– Three saucepans with lids.
– Knife.
– Cutting board.
– Peeler
– Wooden spoon.
– Gate.
-You will first need to put a saucepan on the fire and add the oilat the time it was heated, you will need to add the peeled garlic and fry them.
– To the previous preparation you must add the carrots, onionsthere salt and the grains of pepperwhich must be constantly moved with the wooden spoon.
– Then mix the peppersthere cauliflowerhe broccoliFinally dads and keep moving. Then you need to add the White vinegarhe water and the aromatic herbsthis whole combination will need to be covered and allowed to boil.
– While this preparation is boiling, you will need to fill another saucepan with a quarter of its total water capacity and also boil it.
– Subsequently, the peppers must be emptied into the dry jars, leaving 2 cm free, put them in the pan with hot water and cover them without forcing them too much to let them boil for another two minutes.
– Using a few kitchen rags, remove them from the pan to place them on the crack and close them tightly. Then you have to put them back in the hot water, but this time upside down and let them boil for another five minutes. Meanwhile, prepare another saucepan with water at room temperature and add four ice cubes.
– Finally you will have to remove the jars from the hot water, to be able to put them in the pot with cold water and with the lid down, hold them like this for 10 seconds, turn them over and let them cool in the l frozen water.
In total it gives 500mlhave finished preparing one hourthey have one three month expirationthey also have 2 million 166 kcal and can pay 10 to 15 servings. It is worth mentioning that when made at home, you can get save up to 30% of the total costcompared to commercial products.
Additionally, onions and cambray potatoes do not have to be used, but a regular size cut into cubes can be used, according to information released by the Office of the Federal Consumer Attorney (Profeco), additionally, the Pickled peppers should be stored in dark, cool and dry places, while once opened they should be kept in the refrigerator.