There are two modalities and both have increased their bonus.

The first annual call of this 2023 at the national level of the Housing Family Premium (BFH), from the program own roofbecame known through Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS). This initiative is available in two ways and the budget established by the State for this obligation amounts to more than 564 million 124,122 soles.

If your dream for this year is your own house with your whole family, then this information is valuable to you. In this first call of 2023, 18,994 low-income families will benefit who wish to acquire or build housing, as announced by the Minister of Housing, Hania Perez de Cuellar. The BFH is a direct subsidy that the government gives free of charge to a family as a reward for their savings effort and which is not refunded.

The 2023 Family Housing Premium, in New Housing Acquisition (AVN) mode, has gone from 40,250 to 43,312.50 soles; and in the Clean Site Construction (CSP) modality increased bye 27,600 to 29,700 soles. The increase occurs because the fiscal unit (ITU) went from 4,600 soles in 2022 to 4,950 soles this year.

For compare a house: S/ 43,312.50

– For build a house: S/ 29,700

Several families have already benefited from this grant in previous years.
Several families have already benefited from this grant in previous years.

These depend on the modality to which the family applies, it can be the modality of acquisition of new housing (AVN) or the modality of construction on own site

Modality of acquisition of a new house (AVN)

– Have a monthly family income not exceeding S/3715

– Form a family group (take care of at least one relative like a son or brother)

– Not owning a dwelling or land at the national level or having previously benefited from state housing aid

– Have a minimum savings, which is equivalent to 0.3% of the value of the home you are going to buy.

On-site construction modality

– Have a monthly family income not exceeding S/2706

– Form a family group and have independent land or land duly registered in public registers, without privileges or encumbrances

– Not be the owner of another dwelling or land at the national level or have previously benefited from state housing aid

– Have a minimum savings amount equivalent to 0.023% of the current ITU (S/ 113.85), valid only until December 31, 2023.

BFH is part of the Techo Propio program.
BFH is part of the Techo Propio program.

– You must register your family group at one of Techo Propio’s authorized offices and centers nationwide.

– You have to show your ID and that of your spouse or partner (if applicable) and have complete data of all members of the Family Group (Name, ID, date of birth).

– If the household is headed by a cohabiting couple without marital impediment, the form must be signed by both. If the Family Seat is made up of a married couple, the Form must be signed by one or the other.

Families wishing to access this bonus can request information in Lima at the Real Estate Showcase, the address is Jr. Camaná 199 – Lima Cercado. The hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For those in the province, they can inquire by phone at 0-800-12-200.

The purchase premium exceeds 43,000 soles.
The purchase premium exceeds 43,000 soles.

There is no consultation LINK with the DNI of the Family housing bonus 2023, but you can read more about this grant and other programs from the Down My house and my own roof, through their website:

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