Sandra Golpe has spoken openly about the sexual assault she suffered more than 20 years ago on the porch of her home. The presenter of ‘Antena 3 Noticias’ recounted what was one of the most difficult moments of her life, from which she assures that she learned to be stronger.
Despite the fact that the journalist generally keeps aspects of her personal life in the strictest privacy, she did not hesitate to tell in an interview with the magazine ‘Dix minutes’ what happened when she was attacked by a serial rapist who chased her to her gate: “I came home, I did a night shift, not on Antena 3, I took the metro and there was a serial rapist hanging around there,” he explains.
“He grabbed me, threatened me with a knife, threw me on the ground, put me in the elevator, tied me up… and it was horrible,” Golpe continues. “But I’m here, I can say that,” he said positively.
This sexual assault, as is the case with all victims, marked her life forever, but the presenter prefers to be optimistic and see it more as a learning experience which, although it should never have happened , now helps him to face difficulties with another attitude. : ” From sorrows we learn more than from victories. But it made me so much stronger.”