Apple TV+ just released the trailer for the star-studded drama Extrapolations. The first season, consisting of eight interconnected episodes, features performances from world-class personalities such as Meryl StreepSienna Miller, Kit Harington, Edward Norton, Diane Lane, Gemma Chan, David Schwimmer, Keri Russell, Marion Cotillard, Forest Whitaker and Mexican Eiza González, among others.
Ted Lasso announced the premiere date of his third season with this touching video
The Apple TV+ series returns one day a month and it was announced by the series with its main actors
Extrapolations presents a near future where the chaotic effects of climate change have been integrated into our daily lives. Eight interwoven stories about love, work, faith and family from around the world that will explore the intimate, life-changing decisions that must be made when the planet is changing faster than population. Each story poses the dilemma: are we brave enough to become the solution to our own ruin before it’s too late?