The unification of accounts is one of the procedures that workers in the country who have contributed so much to the Mexican Social Security Institute will have to take into account. (IMSS), as to the State Workers Safety and Welfare Institute (ISSST).

What is the account unification process?
This is an important process to consider if you want to perform resource identification deposited in individual accounts, belong to the same person and must be merged for the corresponding resources to be accredited.
According to the National Commission for the Retirement Savings System (consar), pension fund administrators (Afore) are responsible for carrying out the procedure. They have a duration of at least 60 days to solve the request of the collaborators.

What are the requirements?
-Be a beneficiary of more than one account economy
-That at least he is registered in an Afore
-Have a worker identification file which will be generated by an Afore with worker information, official ID and address proof.
To achieve the merger, employees will need to consider a series of documents and steps to achieve this.
How to request it?
*The person concerned must go to the Afore account on which he is registered.
* Submit the unification request duly required and signedwhich must be provided by Afore.
* Submit the following documentation:
-Current official ID
-In the case of workers IMSS certification format regularization of the personal data of the insured.
– For those of the ISSSTE, proof of CURP, proof of payment issued by the dependency, proof of the financial institution which had administered its resources.

The Afore must send a certificate to the address or email of the worker informing of the conclusion of the procedure or the reasons why it is not applicable.
It should be remembered that when the Afore receives the instruction from the IMSS to proceed with the unification of individual accounts, it must respond to the call without it being necessary for the beneficiary to appear to regularize the account.
According to consar, once the worker has their final social security number or unique population registration code, they must provide the correct information to their employer or dependency in order for subsequent contributions made in their name to be deposited in the NSS or CURP that have been certified.
if after 40 days after the end of the proceduree, the balances are not reflected, then you need to go to an Infonavit specialized service center, where you will need to request the corresponding clarification by presenting the account unification certificate issued by Afore and the data regularization certificate of the insured issued by the IMSS.
Trustees play an important role in people’s lives, as they are responsible for safeguarding resources until retirement. It is therefore important to know the percentage of complaints each haswith the intention of choosing the one that suits you best.
The Commission announced that a total of 7,236 requests were registered from January to December 2022. According to the report, 30,564 were processed during this period, where the unfinished processing request is number one on the list.