The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lassohas been the subject of a operation After break a leg. The president suffered a fall in the last hours “which caused him the left fibula fracturedetailed the general secretariat of the communication of the presidency in a letter made public shortly after the announcement of the diagnosis.
With this statement, Lasso sent a thank you for all the “support, affection and concern” received during the day.
The episode caused a total suspension of the activities of the President and his agenda must be rescheduled to be “came immediately” in a clinic in the port city of Guayaquil.
Lasso is “in a very good mood” and assured that the activities “would resume as soon as possible”, concludes the letter.

For this Friday, the president had agreed on a series of presences in the coastal province of manabi -in the south-west of the country- which included the provision of credit to the fishing sector and the inauguration of the infrastructure of a technical institute.
I would also participate in XIII Intersectoral Committee for the prevention and reduction of chronic child malnutrition. In any case, the secretariat specified that everything will continue its normal course “but without the presence of the President of the Republic”.
Official confirmation of Lasso’s fracture came more than an hour after his appearance at those venues was canceled.

This isn’t the first time the president has had to undergo surgery for mobility issues, however; in fact, it is the third. He June 20, 2021Lasso traveled to UNITED STATES undergo a “medium complexity” spinal cord surgery. With her he succeeds regain normal leg mobility thanks to doctors successfully removing a cyst from her lower back that was blocking her mobility in her right limb.
For his part, since 2013 the president suffered engine limitation following an accident he suffered in Spain, which also resulted in a fractured tibia and fibula. It was then that two cysts were detected, apparently formed by improperly applied anesthesia. One of them was kidnapped during other procedure to which it was subjected in ClevelandUnited States, in 2018.
during this time at August last year he received a preventive treatment In Houston since one was deleted melanoma of his right lower eyelid.
In recent days, the president has hit the headlines for his possible link to a corruption case in spheres close to his government.

The suspicion arose from an investigation published by digital media The mail dating from a report of anti-drug division of the Police, carried out between May and July 2021in which it appears Ruben Cherreswho is close to the firm and is also involved in an alleged bribery scheme at state-owned companies.
Lasso responded to these accusations, which he called “fake cartoon” and pointed in the middle by abuse their power by publishing a “secret report” without specifying that it had been archived by the Public Prosecutor’s Office after a court decision due to the “fundamental lack” of continuing the investigation.
In this sense, he added that “It’s not easy” to govern a country like Ecuador when you’re under aconstant attack by drug dealers, terrorists and organized crime”, in addition to “unscrupulous politicians and media terrorists”.
(With information from EFE and Reuters)
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