The setting was the Casa Rosada. The protagonist, the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Toulouse Peace. The Favorites, a select group of pro-government mayors from the suburbs of Buenos Aires. The amount to be invested in the middle of the election year, $10 million. Beneficiaries, vulnerable people, people with disabilities, chronic diseases, oncology, functional diversity; who require specific care and who live in homes in emergency situations.
Yesterday in the middle of the morning, and at the very moment when the picketers were setting up the camp they had made in front of his ministry for the hundred thousand victims of the Empower Work program, the former MP announced the start from another social level: the Better Your Home program and signed agreements with 15 municipalities to improve living conditions in housing in the most neglected areas.
During the event, held in the Women’s Room, the Minister presented the program to the mayors and welcomed the $10 million agreement with the Financial Fund for the Development of the La Plata Basin ( FONPLATA) for the implementation of the program. In other words, the money does not come from his letter but from the sub-regional development bank made up of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, based in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra with the aim of collaborating in the integration of member countries through the financing of small and medium-sized projects.

From the portfolio of Tolosa Paz they explained that the program, which was put into practice only yesterday, was prepared in 2020, under the administration of Daniel Arroyo responsible for social development. In the first stage of the program – it has not been specified when the next ones will be – the agreement will be made with the Peronist municipalities of the suburbs of Buenos Aires of Almirante Brown, Berazategui, Esteban Echeverría, Ezeiza, Florencio Varela, Hurlingham , Ituzaingó, José C. Paz, Malvinas Argentinas, Merlo, Moreno, Quilmes, San Fernando, Tigre and San Miguel. The latter is the only exception to the rule. San Miguel is governed, since 2019, by Jaime Mendez. Although it responds to the alliance of the opposition, it comes from the Peronist kidney that has long been able to embrace joaquin de la torrecurrent senator, former mayor of San Miguel and former minister in the government of former Governor Macrista Marie Eugenie Vidal.
According to the agreement signed by Tolosa Paz and the town halls of Buenos Aires, the social portfolio will be responsible for providing technical support to municipalitiesverify that the eligibility criteria of the households that will benefit from it are met, evaluate and approve housing improvement projects, and carry out monitoring, tendering and auditing of general execution.
For their part, the municipalities will be responsible through the municipal enforcement unit pre-identification of dwellings, design of works, survey and monitoring of dwellings, and verification of the progress of works.
In addition, the implementation of the program will be done by agreeing on action criteria to prioritize urgent cases with the National Agency for Disability and the National Cancer Institute.
Regarding the construction characteristics of the improvements, it was reported that materials will be used that guarantee the habitability and safety of the spaceswe will work from a universal design perspective so that spaces are accessible according to the needs of families, and the use of low-impact materials will be encouraged to reduce energy demand and conserve natural resources.

“We are witnessing a new social policy that will start with 15 municipalities but then the next steps will come for other regions and other suburbs of Argentina,” said Tolosa Paz during the presentation of the brand new program which aims “the execution of works with conditions of improvement of habitability in 1,090 dwellings” throughout the country.
As explained at GlobeLiveMedia From social development, the MejorAR Tu Hogar program “also aims to strengthen policies focused on the most vulnerable sectors that require specific care, to help and accompany them, and to promote the design of policies from a perspective of ‘global approach and accessibility’.
All the Peronist mayors were present at the signing of the agreement: Juan Jose Mussi (Berazategi); Alexandre Granados (Ezeiza); Andres Watson (Florence Varela); Juan Zabaleta (Hurlingham); Barefoot Alberto (Ituzaingó); Mario Elle (Jose C. Paz); Noelia Correa (Argentina Malvinas); Mariel Fernandez (Moreno); John Andreotti (San Fernando); Julio Zamora (Tiger). The only mistake was made by the mayor of San Miguel, who sent his government secretary on behalf of the Juan Francisco Nigro.
You may be interested: Picketers lifted 9 de Julio tents after 8pm protest
– Why are the selected municipalities of Peronist origin and have not benefited, just in an election year like this, from opposition municipalities such as La Plata, Tres de Febrero or Lanús, to give just a few examples?, he asked GlobeLiveMedia to an employee of Tolosa Paz.
-The municipalities were selected according to a diagnostic analysis based on socio-economic indicators such as: the distribution of the qualitative deficit of housing, the levels of poverty and indigence measured by income, the socio-employment situation measured by access to the labor market and some health indicators such as the unemployment rate, infant mortality and respiratory diseases, among others, the official replied.

“Mayors have a key role. They are the fundamental link in being able to provide solutions. The 15 municipalities of our province of Buenos Aires with which the Plan begins, were selected during the administration that preceded me, that of Daniel Arroyo and that of Juan Zabaleta, and It’s up to us to do some of that work.”explained in turn Tolosa Paz and said: “We must not stop thinking about health in an integral way as she taught us Ramon Carrillo (Minister of Health of Juan Domingo Peron). You cannot look at the state of health except in an integral way to the people that we want to offer not only the right to heal but also to repair this drama that they are going through,” he explained.
The MejorAr Tu Hogar program, according to the former MP, is not “modular” since “in some cases it will be for the improvement of a bedroom, a bathroom, or the construction of a ramp. access, that is to say what does it change when there are people who have to return home after treatment for a chronic disease” and recalled that “it is a program that the municipalities didn’t know when people were going to ask for help”.
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