The road of friendship, is a sculptural corridor of great value and importance in Mexico City. It is located in the south along the Peripheral Belt, it is a road very busy daily by thousands of people, especially to cross the south of the city. The magnificent sculptures that make up the Route de l’Amitié are distributed at strategic points along the dromedaries and crosses.

These pieces are part of the 20 events that took place during the cultural program of the 1968 Mexico Olympics.

sculptural hallway
The route that continues to adorn the city several decades after its construction, was one of the most remarkable projects generated as a result of the cultural activities of the 1968 Mexico Olympics. It is considered the largest sculptural corridor in the world with 17 km in length and was a proposal by the German architect, Mathias Goeritz. He is also a sculptor who has been recognized for his famous works such as the Satellite towers, The big bear at the Sports Palace, the Museo Experimental Eco, the animal y Pedregal’s Crown at the UNAM Sculpture Center.
This proposal was presented by Goeritz to the President of the Olympic Games Organizing Committee, Pedro Ramirez Vazquez. And finally, the project was approved, since one of its main objectives was to reflect brotherhood and peace between nations in a global context full of civil conflicts, protests and social demonstrations, in addition to the internal problems that had just caused the terrible Tlatelolco Massacre.
Thus, the Mexican delegation used the arts and sports to write a speech on the theme of friendship within the framework of the XIX Olympiad. A bit of a distraction for terrified and enraged Mexicans who would soon be soothed by the adornment and excitement the Olympics offered Mexico. Currently it remains as a living reminder of those times, it is still in the heart of the city, but over the years its significance has been forgotten and normalized. Just as it happened with those historical events that have wounded and forged the current country.

Even new generations pass walking by the colossal sculptures, unaware that in each section there is an echo of the voice of mexico 68.
On the colorful side, without a doubt, it is an artistic heritage that we should be proud of and appreciate more than ever. On October 12, 2018, 50 years after the inauguration of the Olympic Games, Mexico 68, the CDMX Culture Secretariat told the Friendship Route Tangible Cultural Heritage of Mexico City.
Since the works promoted monumental sculpture as a means of generating public art, being a fundamental pillar for one of the most important projects of modern Mexican art.

The concept was that you are sculptures of abstract shapes will represent the 5 continents of the world and they were placed exactly every kilometer and a half along the Periférico until Cuemanco, since they were intended to fit into two different landscapes: the first in a valley of volcanic stone and the result of the emanation of Xitle two thousand years ago. The second on rural sowing fields and small lagoons, natural features of Xochimilco.
A purely abstract style was chosen so viewers could see them quickly without paying attention to detail. What caught a lot of attention at the time of his placement was the surprise factor that the government used in his favor. Since then, the inhabitants of 68 have wandered around these surroundings to seek out the sculptures and gradually discover their magnificence.
As for the design, its artistic concept and the materials that have been used are of exceptional quality. The test of strength they went through was the time, Mexican manufacturing gave them the ability to stand for so many years.

oblivion and time
In 1970, when the Soccer World Cup in Mexico, the Route de l’Amitié was abandoned, because the Institutions, artists, universities and patrons ceased to maintain them and lost their splendour. In addition to the fact that the population increased much more and the urban mass increased, which led to the construction of houses and apartments in the vicinity of the sculptures.
For 25 years it has faced countless attacks, including the severe effects of rapid urban growth and vandalism.
Likewise, the construction of the second floor of the Periférico had a great influence so that the works of art were visually buried. However, the Council of the Friendship Route, together with New York institutions and the collaboration of the embassies of each of the countries that had participated, met and managed to convince the government of Mexico City to save them. .
The restoration was done work by work, and it was a thorough arrangement to ensure conservation through self-sufficiency and the participation of those who live nearby, as well as the continued use of the sculptures through various programs. How the project was created Adopt a Work of Artwhich invited private and public institutions to participate by donating resources for the restoration and conservation of the pieces into a trust.

Road Sculptures
The runner measures 17 kilometers long and in this parade a total of 19 concrete structureswith heights that vary, since they range from 7 to 22 meters high.
Officially, this was the number of constructions that would participate in the megaproject, but the committee decided to add 3 special guests.

American sculptor, Alexander Calder participated with him “Red sun”mexican artist Mathias Goeritz con “The Big Bear” y German Cueto also from Mexico, with the “Running Man”.