Ex-PAMI employee arrested

There mother of suspected Los Monos cell member who operates in the Ludueña and Empalme Graneros neighborhoods, a retired employee of PAMI in Córdoba, was arrested this Monday morning for falsifying the signature of a deceased retiree give a legal appearance to a usurpation that was executed in Urquiza at 6,000, in Rosario, this criminal band.

The proceedings were ordered by the shooting prosecutor Paul Socawho is in charge of the investigation against this organization – which already has around thirty defendants – for illicit association, shooting, extortion and usurpation.

Gladis Noemi G., 61 years old, was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Agency in a cabin complex in the Cordoba town of Valle Hermoso. It was he who, according to the ongoing investigation, accessed the PAMI database on June 20, 2021 to find data on a 73-year-old woman who recently died, had no heirs and had left his house uninhabited, claimed by his son, Oscar Omar “Nenu” Ramirezcharged in October last year as part of the criminal structure.

The woman, among other maneuvers, also took a form of the national body – in which she worked until June last year, when her retirement came out – and falsely affixed the signature of the deceasedwhere the same transfers his property to Brenda Almada, who is the girlfriend of “Nenu” Ramirez.

stored in turn is the sister of Jonatan Almada, accused of being one of the leaders of the Los Monos cell from the northwest of the city, with Andy Benítez, Julián Aguirre and Mauro Gerez. Everyone, including Brenda, is in jail.

The house where the former PAMI employee was arrested
The house where the former PAMI employee was arrested

The alleged maneuver perpetrated from the PAMI of La Cumbre was the key point for make usurpation appear legal that Los Monos did in the neighborhood of Ludueña. And who usufructuated the money was the gang themselves, who took it upon themselves to renovate the property, put it up for rent in December last year and Currently, he receives a “laundered” monthly sum, depending on the intelligence missions carried out.

In the operations of this Monday too has been arrested Sandra Belén W., wife of Andy Benítez –housed in the prison of Piñero– to be the in charge of receiving the rent money usurped property. In her case, she was apprehended during a raid in Ituzaingó at 6,300, in the western area of ​​Rosario.

To Sandra W. and Gladis G., the prosecutor Pablo Socca will lead them to the imputed hearing for usurpation, and in the case of the former PAMI employee also for the crime of ideological lying of a public instrument. Andy Benítez and Oscar Omar Ramírez will also be part of this audience.

“Nena” Ramirez made national news a few months ago for being stopped during a procedure similar to that seen in the film “The Secret of His Eyes” last October, when they stopped him at the exit of Gigante de Arroyito, after the match between Rosario Central and Colón. At that time, plainclothes policemen from the intelligence division of the criminal investigation agency were stationed in the popular rabble because they had information that, despite the capture request which weighed on him, he frequented the stadium to see the club of his loves.

Sandra Belen W.
Sandra Belen W.

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