After two wild fires in the southern area of Deltabrigadists from Between rivers there Buenos Aires increased efforts to control the fire In islands of the Paraná river.
The flames from these new sources began on Monday near the city of Buenos Aires Baraderowhere more than a dozen brigadistswho attempt to fight the fire through direct, indirect and parallel attacks, with lines and firewalls, as well as anchor tools for zapping and backpack cooling in burned areas and places of repels.
Due to the fire situation, the base of operations was set up on Monday in the Aeroclub Baradero, which has operational logistics technical personnel, civil protection personnel from San Pedro and Baradero, volunteer firefighters from Baradero and members of the police from Entre Ríos. In addition, fire management specialists are working.
To fight the flames, the authorities of Entre Ríos have made available two lookout planeswhile Nation offered a helicopter.
“You work tirelessly,” they said from the Entre Ríos Environmental Secretariat A telam and they clarified that all available resources are being used to deal with the fire.

In this sense, the environmental secretary of Entre Ríos, Daniela García, stressed the need to “raise awareness of the importance of extreme caution and avoid any burning practice“, for which he illustrated that it can be “fires to fish up to minimal acts such as throwing cigarette butts”.
During Monday a black line was made until it was anchored to the canal with water, while on Tuesday a flight was made to assess the situation and be able to dispatch the brigade members in depending on the urgency.
Despite the hard work of the firefighting teams, the situation may not improve in the coming days due to the current weather conditions and the descent of the Paraná River. “Everything is likely to generate fires,” García warned. It is precisely for this reason that he reiterated his request to avoid making campfire in unauthorized places or under a car; Likewise, he recommended not leaving cars parked for a long time in dry areas and taking all trash if you visit the area.
According to the latest daily report from the Entre Ríos Fire Management Systemthe fires that have been recorded in without change there The walleye they are controlled. In contrast, those who started in boy arm e Aeroclub Island they were contained. Buenos Aires, on the other hand, managed to contain the fires that broke out in Campana there berazategui.
There drought and the high temperatures recorded this summer allow the flames to spread rapidly. In this sense, the Delta area is not the only one affected by the fires, being currents one of the most complicated.
You may be interested: Wildfires: Firefighters battle blazes and seek to halt progression in Corrientes
He National Institute of Agricultural Technology (WHILE) reported that the fire has destroyed 100,000 hectares in Corrientes so far this year. Of this total, 91% corresponds to the Iberá Wetlands. Until Tuesday, some sources were reactivated in the area, so that the whole province recorded 16 fire points. In this survey, 34,934 hectares were detected that had already been affected by the fires that were recorded in 2022. During these months, the most compromised department is Ituzaingofollowed by Design.
chubutfor his part, managed to control three fires out of the five reported, while he was able to contain that of the stony and turn off the one that started in lake of the rosary. Mendozaon the other hand, reported that he was able to put an end to the flames in the heras and contain them in Saint-Raphael. Tasks put out the fire in apostles there Black River contained the fire that broke out at avellanedaas good as the pampas In utracan. In the meantime, a focus remains active in ayacucho, San Luisaccording to data from the daily fire report of the National Fire Management Service.
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