Valeria Leoncino y Carlos Passarelle They had met in 2019 in Concordia, Entre Ríos, the city where they both lived. She worked in a clothing store that was across from a saddlery, which he owned. Passarella shyly approached her, they became friends and when she gained the trust of those around her He confessed that he was madly in love. Valeria clarified: “Either we are friends or we are nothing”.
Passarella accepted his conditions in order to have him close and to be able to share outings, dinners, afternoons with friends and gatherings. However, as time passes, he noticed that she hadn’t changed her mind.
“He always showed that he wanted the best for her, helping her with everything. We included him in the group right away and he even met Valeria’s family. He looked like a normal person but he was a psychopath, a wolf in sheep’s clothing“Recalled Daiana Kalbermatter, one of the best friends of the victim, to this media.
Last Monday, Passarella killed Valeria with three shots after waiting for her at the door of her house. Then he escaped in a white Ford Fiesta and shot himself in the forehead. A day after the crime, the prosecutor in charge of Concordia, José Farías, confirmed to the local press that Valeria “was attacked by a man who was obviously obsessive, interested in the girl, or trying to form a relationship and, Faced with rejection, he finds this way, to take life, because he does not admit any other possibility.”.
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The nightmare began in 2022 with several isolated events, which seemed to have no connection between them, until Valeria began to connect the dots and all suspicion led to “Charly”, the nickname of the femicide.
In October of that year, the victim was surprisingly fired from the dietitian where she worked. They compensated her and gave her no reason. Seeing her desperation, “Charly” offered her to work in a curtain shop which she also owned and she accepted.
After a while, Valeria would have an extremely unpleasant surprise.
“At the beginning of November last year, we learned existence of a fake Instagram profile, where intimate photos of Valeria were uploaded. The username was an alias that a boy she had been dating for a long time called her by. The description said it was a side story by Valeria Leoncino, she defined herself as a ‘very daring girl’ there clarified that he worked in a dieteticssaid Diana.
Many photos illustrating feed They were taken by Valeria herself, where she was shown in sexy lingerie. “These images belonged to a conversation she had with an ex-boyfriend. Because of this, he initially suspected his ex and went to report the incident to Concordia’s gender prosecutor’s office.explained her friend.
You may be interested: Aberrant femicide in Entre Ríos: he was “obsessed” with her and killed her in front of his friends
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By analyzing the publications, Valeria discovered that the photos had no descriptions but many hashtags. There were days when the profile was in public mode and others in private. “It was the same modus operandi with which ‘Charly’ managed his personal Instagram. We found too many coincidences,” Daiana said.
The question was where the femicide had taken the photos from, if he was behind this profile. “Over time, we discovered that he had cloned Valeria’s phone. He installed spyware on her and had access to all her conversations and her photo gallery,” Daina said indignantly, a finding that has not been forensically corroborated.
“We also discovered that he was watching her and He listened to her through the camera of a notebook he had lent her, every time she turned on the machine. Valeria became very paranoid,” Daiana said.
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As published by the site elentrerios.comof Concordia’s Office of the Gender Equality Attorney confirmed that indeed Valeria had filed a complaint during the month of February, but it had not been against her femicide. In this case, according to what they say, Valeria referred to the circulation of images of his private life in the networks and requested that they try to determine who was behind these posts to prevent them from ceasing.
Three weeks before the femicide, “Charly” had written to him on WhatsApp. He had shared with her a memory from Google Photos on the phone where she was seen lying in her chair. Valeria was furious and wrote to him that she had already found out about his obsession and demanded that he never speak to her again. She wanted him out of her life, her environment of friends and family.
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“How sick you are”, she reacted to this photo. ” Sick from what ? Please explain to me”, he has answered. Valeria could not contain her anger: “It makes me laugh that you are such an asshole and that you are pathetic as a person. Wanting to ruin the lives of others, you ruined it for yourself. You lacked intelligence.”
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Passarella put herself in the role of the victim and asked her to speak personally about the problem, Valeria was candid with her message: “He can’t believe what you are capable of. I don’t want you approaching my family or sending a fucking message. Never again”. And in front of his insistent calls, he blocked him.
Last Monday, “Charly” approached Valeria at the door of her apartment, located on Guarumba Street at 100, in the center of Concordia.
“He told him he wanted him to return the tools and things he lent him.. He wanted to go up to the apartment but Valeria didn’t let him because she was terrified“said her friend Daiana. Realizing that Charly insisted too much, the first thing she did was to call a friend.
“come here it’s the psycho, please come“, You are welcome.
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Three of them were present at the scene. “They helped Valeria bring Charly’s things down while he was waiting on the sidewalk. But there was a time when he got violent and fought with my friends. He walked into the hall and said to Valeria ‘Look look’. He took the gun out of his pocket and shot him three times,” Daina recalled.
When the girls escaped for help, the femicide got into his car, drove two blocks, and killed himself with the same gun that had riddled Valeria.
Experts determined that he used a 9 millimeter weapon, which was registered in his name. The bullet with which he committed suicide was embedded in the headrest, it had passed through his skull. Inside the vehicle, provincial police also found a box with 50 cartridges, pepper spray, ropes and a letter.
The letter said he was “tired of the bullshit, that he was giving no more and that any complaints or gratitude should be directed to his grave because he was going to kill himself”.
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This Wednesday, the women of Concordia demonstrated in Plaza 25 de Mayo for 8M. Valeria’s friends were there with their banners.
“With my friends, we would never have imagined that we would end up on March 8 asking for Valeria’s femicide”, remarks Diana.
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