After the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) pointed out that since the announcement by President Gustavo Petro of the start of a ceasefire with Segunda Marquetalia and the Central staff At least 20 actions have been filed that violate said agreement in the Department of Cauca; The Ombudsman’s Office has warned that in Toribío, in the north of the department, dissidences under the command of Iván Mordisco are said to be setting up a training center for minors of age.
Forced recruitment: the Ombudsman leads a campaign in Cauca to report and prevent cases of children and adolescents in the region
Through meetings with social leaders, organizations, authorities and directly with minors, they seek to reduce the number and prevent cases in communities in the region.
Specifically, it is the mobile column ‘dagoberto ramos‘, of the General Staff, which will be part of the peace process which should begin in the coming weeks with the said organization.
However, according to defender of the people, Carlos Camargo have “transformed Toribío, Cauca, into a center of military and financial operations for this illegal armed structure, as well as a place of “reception” or concentration of children and adolescents (NNA), who are forcibly recruited in the municipalities of northern Cauca to, after a brief training, be incorporated into the various substructures of the Western Coordinating Command”, reference Blu Radio.
JEP identified 94 victims of forced recruitment by public forces in the armed conflict
Regarding the structures presumed responsible, in 81 cases the National Army was related to the author of the forced recruitment
But it’s not just minors who are in danger. Due to the struggle for control of this area with the Second Marquetalia – former Farc, under the command of Ivan Marquez – the inhabitants of toribio they live in the midst of clashes. A scenario that could even get worse, since the ELN passes through the area and the Clan del Golfo, from neighboring municipalities, is responsible for intimidating the inhabitants.
Camargo clarified that “although people are not confined, the development of community and social life is not only paralyzed but also subject to the will of the armed groups, as they impose multiple regulations and punish anyone who does not respect them with the death penalty.For example, public establishments are prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages on weekdays, motorcycles are not allowed to park in front of the premises and a closing time is established, among other restrictions.
The Armed Forces would have irregularly recruited nearly 100 minors, according to the JEP
Reports submitted to the JEP reveal recruitment of boys and girls committed by the Force Publique in the armed conflict: there would be at least 94 cases
The instructions come by word of mouth, banners, leaflets and also graffiti, which the members of the column distribute calmly, in patrols and checkpoints by the municipal area, since, due to its geographical position, Toribío is difficult for authorities to access.
The above, according to Camargo, “causes effects on the human rights of the civilian population residing in this municipality, many of which result in selective killings, restrictions on mobility, enforced disappearances, massacres and individual forced displacements. and massive. But above all it is the boys, girls, adolescents and young people who are most at risk because of the illegal armed group’s interest in recruiting them by force, they give them instructions as a “training school”, to then send them to the structures where they are finally found would be linked”.
Recently, different sectors of national politics have come out against the arrest warrants lifted against the high command of the central staff.
The request which was made to the Public Prosecutor’s Office by the High Commission for Peace (OACP) so that they can meet and define who will be their negotiators before possible peace talks with the Petro government.
The measure had to be explained, at length, after receiving incessant criticism. From the OACP, they insisted that their sole purpose is facilitate the possible procedures and that this is not “the first time that a government has resorted to this type of measure to advance in the construction of peace”.