Brussels, 28 Feb. The European Union (EU) today “welcomed” Zimbabwe’s intention to invite it to deploy an election observation mission for the 2023 elections once the ongoing constitutional processes are completed, but maintained the arms embargo on the country and the freezing of certain assets. to Defense Industries.

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, also warned that the EU “will continue to follow events closely, with particular attention to the human rights situation and reiterates its readiness to adapt the all of its policies accordingly”. .

In a statement on behalf of the 27, Borrell clarified that the current restrictive measures do not affect the people of Zimbabwe, their economy, foreign direct investment or trade.

Zimbabwe continues to benefit from duty-free and quota-free access for its exports to the EU, while negotiations are underway to deepen the Economic Partnership Agreement (ESA) for Eastern and Southern Africa, noted the Spanish politician.

“There is significant potential for investment and employment opportunities, as long as the government promotes political and economic reforms, facilitates a more predictable and conducive business environment, combats corruption and promotes respect for human rights. rights and the rule of law,” said .

The High Representative also underlined that “the EU will continue to support the people of Zimbabwe with humanitarian aid, if necessary”.

The Twenty-Seven hope, he said, for a “more complete and more constructive” political dialogue, “including on international issues, and more opportunities for high-level meetings”.

Borrell stressed that the Union “is closely following the process leading to the elections, which are of great importance for the trajectory of the country” and “encourages all electoral actors, both state and non-state, to play their part in guaranteeing the organization of a credible and peaceful electoral process”.

In this regard, he recalled that the 2018 EU Election Observation Mission had made a set of recommendations and encouraged stakeholders to continue improving the electoral framework to enable “credible, inclusive and transparent” elections. .

Finally, he reiterated the EU’s ambition to continue to develop a “more constructive” relationship with Zimbabwe. EFE


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